The Jewish Community Center

The Jewish Community Center of Bangor, Pennsylvania, was one of the smallest synagogues in the United States. Founded in 1945, it occupied the former Shiloh Welsh Methodist Episcopal church, built 1890, at 27 S. 4th St.

Student rabbis from the New York Jewish Theological Seminary served the congregation and attained national recognition later in their lives. These men were Harold Schulweiss, Raphael Gold, and American author Chaim Potok.

About the Documents

This site documents the creation of the synagogue through news articles found in the Bangor Daily News archives. The articles cover the years 1945 to 1962, when the synagogue closed.

For now it is a dump of all articles by date. Future phase of this project will add an index of people and search capabilities.

For now, you can browse all of the articles or use CTRL+F to search for particular words or names.

Thanks to the generous donation by Jeff Share and Judith Share Yaphe, all articles have been transcribed. This will enable the history of the JCC to be accessed by search engines. Thanks also to Susan Weiss for transcribing the articles."


Walter Blau Gets Bronze Star for Bravery

WITH THE SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA Pfc. Walter Blau, of 235 Market Street, Bangor, Penna., recently was awarded the Bronze Star for gallantry in action on {illegible} -ing General, Major General Walter M. Robertson.

He is the husband of Mrs. Gertrude Blau, 235 Market Street, Bangor, Penna.

The group, along with Pfc. Blau and First Lieut. Werner R. Haller, was one vehicle detached from the Regimental Column and was in doubt as to whether the wooded area through which it was passing had been cleared by friendly troops.  After driving several miles without seeing any sign of American soldiers, the group encountered a 60-yard roadblock and were forced to stop.  In their recent experiences road had all been manned by enemy troops.  Nevertheless the value of any information which could be obtained outweighed the inclination to effect an immediate withdrawal.  Lt. Haller ordered the three men to positions of concealment covering the approaches to the road block.  The man advanced quickly and almost immediately discovered the presence of German soldiers.  It was quite obvious now that this road had not been traveled by the 9th Combat Team Column, but despite the manifest danger these men displayed a calm self-possession worthy of seasoned combat soldiers.  Lt. Haller ordered the nearest German to summon the senior officer present.  Soon an NCO and a messenger stepped forward, covered by Staff Sgt. Levi.  T-4 Hingst and Pfc. Blau disarmed them after ascertaining that some 80 enemy troops were in the immediate vicinity.  Lt. Haller directed the NCO to assemble his men on the road.  The German, uncertain as to our strength and apparently bluffed by the demeanor of our soldiers, surrendered his men.  Disarmed, the two enemy platoons marched down the road to give themselves up to the Third Battalion, Ninth Infantry.  Lt. Haller attributes the success of this episode entirely to the cool and soldierly behavior of the three men who were cited.


Yom Kipper to be Observed in Bangor

The Jewish Day of Atonement, or Yom Kipper, occurs this year on Sunday night, September 16th and 17th.  It is observed by Jews everywhere as a day of prayer, repentance, and fasting.  The Eve of the holiday is marked by a religious service called Kol Nidrel because of an ancient and beautiful prayer which is chanted on this occasion asking for forgiveness even for the sins which were committed unwittingly and unwillingly.

The prayers read on this day are for forgiveness for sins in recognition of the doctrine of individual responsibility for the acts committed by the petitioner.  Purification comes only through the realization that each must make amends by prayer, fasting, and good deeds, and the sincerity of his purpose to purify is life is the measure of his forgiveness.

The Book of Jonah, which its _______ on the equality of all men before God, is read on this day, stressing the interest in democratic ideals and the brotherhood of man.  Most congregations hold a Memorial Service in memory of those who have passed on since the last Memorial Day, on the afternoon of the Day of Atonement.  The Memorial Service consists of the magnificently beautiful “_______”, a prayer which is read in memory of the righteous of every nation and every creed.  This is in keeping with the Jewish religion which stresses the belief that “the Righteous of every nation have a portion in the world to come.”


Mrs. Joel Rogat Raising Funds for Needy

In order that Bangor and its environs might assist in many ways with the relief of displaced persons, and destroyed homes and property in Europe, Mrs. Joel Rogat of town has started a “one woman campaign” to raise funds and receive what ever possible to be sent to this area.  This effort was brought the fore when Max Winkler, local industrialist returned from a trip through the areas in Europe and witnessed the frightful conditions.

The thousands of needy and homeless children and people unsheltered from the elements, lacking clothing and food and at the mercy of the ravenous pestilence are now wandering throughout Europe, in all countries.  These people must be cared for and America again has been asked to assist.  Presently Mrs. Rogat is conducting her drive through the community and receiving many good size contributions.

It has been announced that the Bangor Chapter of Hadassah will join with Mrs. Rogat in her effort.  This organization will sponsor a bazaar sometime during the month of March the proceeds from which will be given entirely to the work of relief for European people.  Further announcements will be forthcoming in the next several weeks.


Jewish Community Center Offered for 1946-1947 Term

The present Board of Directors of the Community Kindergarten and Nursery were re-elected and four additional directors elected for the 1946-47 term, to bring the total to 14, at a meeting of the board to which the public was invited and lightly attended, held in Mackey Memorial Baptist church last evening.  Rev. Fenton I. Laucks, president of the board, was in charge.  The new members are:  Mrs. Samuel Korn, Mrs. Charles Fischler, Harry Laveton and Mrs. Woodrow W. Horn.  The member reelected are:  Rev. Laucks, Rev. Horace Wright, Rev. F.H. Fletcher, Mrs. Helen Mutch, W. Heber Jones, Mrs. Kenneth Masters, David Stodard, Mrs. S.H> Hamm, Mrs. Warren Kressler and Rev. Norman A. Robinson.

W. Herbert Jones, treasurer, reported the cost of last years kindergarten nursery, including transportation and milk charges, to be $1755.13;  while but $1116.86 was received from tuition and registration fees, but inasmuch as donations totaled $945, the treasury has on hand $336.72 to start of the years work.  The average cost of operating both schools per month was $219.39.  The loss per each student per month insofar as tuition and fees were concerned was $3.93 the treasurer stated.

Rev. Wright, it reporting on this year’s registration to date reported 21 children have registered for the kindergarten, while but four nursery students have indicated their child’s attending.  However, several late registrations are expected, and it was intimated at the meeting that both schools would have sufficient students to warrant the continuance this year.

For the present at least, the kindergarten school will be held in St. John’s Evangelical and the Nursery win the Salem Evangelical, as last year.

It was announced that the Jewish Community Center, the former Welsh Shiloh Methodist church at present under repairs and which Samuel Korn is president, has been offered for use by the center for either the Nursery or Kindergarten classes free of charge.  The board will vote on this generous offer at a later date when renovations are completed.

Both Mrs. William Schankel, the nursery school teacher, and Mrs. A.M. Williams, kindergarten teacher, were present and spoke briefly on the work accomplished last year and on their curriculum for the coming year.  The teachers particularly stressed the need of a victrola in their classes.

Mrs. S.H. Hamm and Mrs. Kenneth Masters, in speaking for two of the school’s sponsoring organizations, the Senior and Junior Women’s Clubs, announced a concert in F.U. Evangelical church, October 29, as a benefit financially to the schools, and of a $150 donation from the Junior Club.

Rev. F.H. Fletcher closed the public meeting with an offering of prayer.


Hadassahs Observe Festival of Hanukah

The Festival of Hanukah was celebrated and the birthday of Henrietta Szoid, founder of Hadassah, observed when the Bangor Chapter of Hadassah met at the local Jewish Community Center last evening.   Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, president, was in charge.

Mrs. Harry Laveton directed the program, of which included the exchange of gifts as is customary on the occasion of Hanukah, and a social time was enjoyed.


Jewish Community Center Donates to Community Chest

A regular meeting of the Jewish Community Center of Bangor was held Tuesday night.

Pres. Sam Korn announced that the building has been completely paid for and deed in organizations name recorded.  Also that the charter has been received.  Although most major alterations have been completed, it was pointed out that it is very difficult to obtain furnishings and several months will be required to attain this.  Because of this, formal opening and dedication will have to be postponed until the interior is more nearly complete.

The meeting unanimously voted at $100 contribution to the Bangor Community Chest, the proceeds of which was raised among the membership present.


Sisterhood of Jewish Community Center Elects New Officers

The meeting of the Sisterhood of the Jewish Community Center was held at the Center Thursday evening.  The officers elected for the coming year are:  Mrs. J. Rogat, president;  Mrs. H. Linnick, vice president;  Mrs. A. Wolff, secretary;  and Mrs. H. Laveton, treasurer.  After the business meeting a social hour was held.  Refreshments were served by hostesses, Mrs. Melnick and Mrs. Rogat.


Announce Birth

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney I. Babat, of Pen Argyl, a baby girl at the Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, N.J.


Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Melnick, Eddie Rosenberg Feted at Jewish Community Center

A dual celebration was held last evening at the Jewish Community Center in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Melnick, well-known Bangor Shirt Manufacturers and Edward Rosenberg, local clothing manufacturer who recently announced his retirement from business after conducting two plants successfully for the past 18 years.

The celebration was sponsored by the members of the Jewish Center of which Sam Korn is president.  Following the serving of a sumptuous luncheon and refreshments the celebrants were presented with beautiful gifts.  The presentations were made by the president, Sam Korn.

Meyer Feinberg of Easton, was elected to serve as the toastmaster for the evening’s entertainment.  During the course of the evening, Mrs. Joel Rogat appeal to the guest for support n the drive for the “March of Dimes,” $50 was collected and will be turned over to the local chairman.

Among the guests and members present at the celebration were Mrs. Molly Berkowitz, Mrs. Walter Blau, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hertz and family of Pen Argyl;  Max Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Korn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Linnick, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Melnick, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ravitz, of Pen Argyl;  Mr. and Mrs. Morris Schnitzer;  Mrs. A. Sandler, Mrs. Charles Sobelman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sobelson;  Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schecter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Share, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tauber, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolff and family;  Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shmookler and family;  Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Babit;  Mr. and Mrs. Allen Leopold;  Dr. and Mrs. David Gruber of Easton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cohen of Easton, Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Melnick, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Rogat, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Scheinberg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leavitt and Max Lieberman.


Sobelson Gets $351 from Polio Theater Drive

Ralph Sobelson, manager of local theatres last evening reported that he had received a total of $351.61 in collections for this year’s drive for the March of Dimes to aid polio victims.  This exceeds his collection last year when he reported some $266 collected.  In fact, Mr. Sobelson indicated it was the largest amount ever collected through his theatres for this cause since its inception.

The report in detail as released last evening by Mr. Sobelson showed that a total of $239.74 had been received in collections at the Strand Theatre in Bangor;  that a total of $31.54 had been received in the Music Hall Theatre in Bangor last Saturday evening;  that a total of $30.33 had been collected in the Strand Theatre in Roseto last Sunday evening and that a collection of $50 had been received at the recent celebration held in Bangor’s New Jewish Community Center.


Kindergarten Class Moves to Jewish Community Center

The Kindergarten class taught by Mrs. Armon Williams, moved its class rooms to the Jewish Community Center on Fourth St. yesterday morning.  The quarters at the Salem Evangelical-United Brethren Church, location of both Kindergarten classes this year to date, were too crowded.  The class taught by Mrs. William Schankel, will remain, it was announced.  Samuel Korn, serving as chairman of the school’s location committee of the Kindergarten Board, made the necessary arrangements for the change.

The Kindergarten Board wishes to express thanks to the Salem Church for their fine cooperation in entertaining the classes this year and to the Jewish Community Center for their willingness in allowing children to enjoy their headquarters.

Announcement was made by the board that both classes are in need of dolls, empty boxes, cupboards and portable phonographs.


Pre-School Program At Jewish Community Center On Friday

Mary Jane Red of East Stroudsburg State Teachers College will present a sound movie on pre-educational and pre-school age mothers at the Jewish Community Center on Friday evening at 8:00 o’clock.  The kindergarten board members and mothers will donate refreshments which will be served by the teachers, Mrs. Armon M. Williams and Mrs. William Schankel.  This is the first of a series of programs planned to aid mothers and teachers to better acquaint and realize the accomplishments of the school.


Hadassah Club Fete Husbands

Members of the Bangor Chapter of Hadassah entertained their husbands and guests at a social held last evening in the Jewish Community Center when Attorney Israel Krohn of Easton was the guest speaker.  Attorney Krohn, who was introduced by Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, president of the local chapter spoke to the large gathering on the theme “Zionism.”

In addition to the by Attorney Krohn, a film on “The Life of Hen Szold.”  In the drawing for the special prize awarded by the local center of a set of luggage, the winner was declared to be Mrs. Samuel Korn.  A social evening of refreshments climaxed the evening.


Ralph Sobelson Installed Head Of Local Center

Ralph Sobelson, local theater owner, was named and installed as president of the Jewish Community Center at the annual election and installation exercises held last evening in the Center’s social rooms.

Others taking office were:  Edward Rosenberg, re-elected to the vice presidency;  Abe Sandler, secretary and Everett Melnick, treasurer.  The board of directors is composed of the following:  Jacob Melnick, Harry Laveton, Samuel Ravitz, Samuel Korn and Joel Rogat.  The sisterhood directors includes:  Mrs. Joel Rogat and Mrs. Ruth Ravitz.

Following the installation the regular routine of business was held.  It was reported that the altar, pulpit and pews will be installed within the next six to eight weeks.  At that time the Center will also operate a synagogue.  Refreshments and luncheon followed the meeting.


Local Hadassah Chapter Has First Fall Meeting

The Bangor Chapter of Hadassah held its first meeting of the new year last night at the home of Mrs. Emil Hertz.  Mrs. Ralph Sobelson presided.

During the business session, plans were discussed for raising funds for the destitute, displaced peoples of Europe and Palestine.  It was decided that the best plan for fulfilling the great need is to sponsor a souvenir year-book in conjunction with the annual donor dinner in the spring.

A social hour followed the business meeting.


Joel Rogat Feted On Birthday at Jewish Center

Joel Rogat, prominent local shirt and blouse manufacturer was tendered a surprise party at the Jewish Community Centre, the occasion marking his birthday anniversary.  The party was given by his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Shemberg of 508 Market Street, Bangor.

A large birthday cake from with the inscription, “to dad” from “Miriam, Irving, and Lois” formed the table’s centerpiece decoration.  During the course of the party the celebrant was present with a beautiful robe and other gifts.

Luncheon was served and refreshments were enjoyed.  Entertainment was provided by Mrs. Leopold and Mrs. Laveton who presented a sketch entitled “The Feast of the Lights.”

Among those attending were Edward Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shor, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Melnick, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laveton, Mr. and Mrs. Al Share, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schecter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rubenstein, Mrs. R. Wolffe and Larry Wolffe, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sandler, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ravitz, Mr. and Mrs. Leopold, Irving Edelson, Henry and Jerry Weissman, the celebrant, Joel Rogat and Mrs. Rogat, and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sheimber and daughter Lois.


Joel Rogat, Shirt Manufacturer and Jewish Center Founder Is Dead

Joel Rogat, 77, leading Slate Belt Shirt Manufacturer, died at his home at 508 Market street at 4:30 a.m., today after a 3 month illness.  Born is Russia, he came to New York City at an early age and engaged in the textile business.  He started the Joel Rogat Shirt business, in Bangor, 20 years ago.

He was a member of the Vitebsk Benevolent Association of New York City and a founder of the Jewish Community Center in Bangor.  He was also a member of the Pennsylvania Manufacturing Association.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ada Rogat, three daughters, Mrs. A. Rubinowitz and Mrs. Abram Levin of Brooklyn and Mrs. Irving Sheinberg of Bangor, four grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. L. Harrowitz of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Mr. Rogat was a well known philanthropist and contributor to many charities.

Funeral services will be held on Sunday from the Gutterman Funeral Chapel in New York City.  Please omit flowers.

Memorial services were held at one o’clock today at the Jewish Community Center with Rabbi Dr. Louis Katsoff of the Congregation Children of Abraham, of Easton officiating.  A large number of relatives and friends attended.


Front of synagogue in 1948 - From David and Jennifer Blau



Inside of synagogue in 1948 - From David and Jennifer Blau



Local Hadassah Group to Meet

The regular monthly meeting of the Bangor Chapter of Hadassah, the organization of American Zionist women, nearly 250,000 strong, will be held this evening.

Hadassah was founded 35 years ago.  Its aims expressed in the progressive development of a country-wide system of hospitalization, public health and child welfare, in the evolution of a vocational education program, and through the rescue and rehabilitation of refuge youth.

It was maintained by Hadassah that the health of the pioneer was fundamental as the plow with which the desert sands were turned, as the canals through which the swamps where drained and the reclaimed fields were irrigated.  A country beset by malaria, trachoma, and dysentery must first be made safe for modern pioneering.  Without the best scientific research and hospitalization facilities, without the most modern maternal and child care, vocational education and retraining of refugee youth, no Jewish state could flourish.

These have been and still are the tremendous tasks of the Hadassah – its program toward rebuilding the ancient homeland as a modern democracy.


Bangor Hadassah Chapter Plans Card Party

A card party to be held on Saturday, May 8, at the Jewish Community Center was planned last evening when the Bangor Chapter of Hadassah met at the center with the president, Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, in charge.  Mrs. Elizabeth Wolff and Mrs. Albert Share were named to the committee.

The annual dinner of the charter also was scheduled for Wednesday, May 26, but the place was not decided up on at this time.

Mrs. Joseph Rubenstein, chairman of the yearbook, rendered a very favorable report on this endeavor, and Mrs. Abraham Sandler, in charge of the cultural program, favored with a reading, assisted by Mrs. Samuel Korn and Mrs. Rubenstein.

A social hour and the serving of refreshments culminated the gathering.  Mrs. Charles Schecter, Mrs. Sidney Babat, and Mrs. Share were the hostesses for the occasion.


Sisterhood Of Local Community Center To Meet Tomorrow

Mrs. Joel Rogat, president of the Sisterhood of the local Jewish Community Center has called a special meeting for tomorrow evening at the Center.  The meeting is scheduled to get underway at 8 o’clock sharp and Mrs. Rogat urges everyone to be present as extremely important matters pertaining to the good work of the Sisterhood with be discussed.


Mrs. Abram Sandler Elected President Of Jewish Sisterhood

A meeting of the Jewish Community Sisterhood was held on Tuesday evening, April 14th.  At that time election of officers was held.

Those elected were:  President, Mrs. Abram Sandler, vice president, Mrs. Walter Blau;  recording secretary Mrs. Albert Share;  corresponding secretary, Mrs. Harry Cohen;  treasurer, Mrs. Harry Laveton;  honorary president, Mrs. Joel Rogat;  honorary vice president, Mrs. Lennick.

A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Rogat for her splendid work in the past years.  Refreshments were served and enjoyed.


To Meet

The regular meeting of the Jewish Community Center will be held this evening.  Following the  routine business a social hour will be enjoyed.


Synagogue Group Furthers Plans

Plans for the conversion of the Jewish Community Center into a synagogue were furthered last evening during a meeting held at the center, Ralph Sobelson, president, in charge.  Dedication services for November were announced.  A full complement of members was present.


Hadassah Installs New Officers At Dinner Meeting

The annual dinner meeting of the Bangor Chapter of Hadassah was held last night at Ye Saylor’s Inn.

New officers were installed for the coming year.  They are Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, president;  Mrs. Allan Leopold, vice-president;  Mrs. Charles Schrecter, treasurer;  Mrs. Sidney Babbitt, reporting secretary, and Mrs. F. Leavitt, corresponding secretary.

A play was presented entitled “Certificate of Entry” and adaptation from the radio program “Eternal Light.”  The cast included Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rubenstein, Sandra and Arnold Allabach, Abraham Sandler.  The narrator was Sidney Babbitt.


Jewish Community Center Has Final Spring Meeting

The last meeting of the Jewish Community Center Sisterhood in Bangor was held Wednesday at the Jewish Community Center.  It was preceded by a diner at the Colonial Hotel.

Mrs. Goldman a visitor from Easton, affiliated with the National Women’s League ______ the out going officers and welcomed the new officers.

New officers are, president, Mrs. Abraham Sandler;  honorary president, Mrs. Joel Rogat;  vice president, Mrs. Walter Blau;  honorary vice-president Mrs. Lennick;  recording secretary, Mrs. Albert Share, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Harry Cohen; and treasurer, Mrs. Harry Laveton.

Mrs. Goldman explained the various duties of the officers and plans were made for a children’s Sunday School program.

The meeting was concluded with a very inspiring verse by Mrs. Goldman.


Rabbi To Arrive At Jewish Center Tomorrow Night

Rabbi Harold Schulweiss who is currently attending studies for a doctor’s degree at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City is expected to become spirit-

Community Center when the group meets tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock to decide the permanent plans for the center’s future activities.

Rabbi Schulweiss will arrive in Bangor tomorrow evening and the local Jewish Center officers are urging every member to be present at this session.

A Hebrew Sunday School will be conducted every Sunday and services directed by Rabbi Schulweiss will possibly be held every other week.


Rabbi Schulweiss Prepares Program For Jewish Center

Rabbi Harold Schulweiss, newly named spiritual leader of the Bangor Jewish Community Center, who is currently attending studies for a doctor’s degree at the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York City, spoke at the gathering held last evening in the local Jewish center.

In his talk, Rabbi Schulweiss stated that if the members followed the age-old traditions of the Jewish peoples, they would become better citizens in their community.  Following his address, he presented a religious and social program for the center, for the fall, which was approved as presented, at the business meeting of the center, with Ralph Sobelson, president, presiding.

It was stated that prior to the dedication of the center, which will be held in September, the Ark and Scrolls will be dedicated, with a definite program arranged for the year.

Following the business session, the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the center served refreshments to the more than 60 members of the center attending.


Jewish Center To Dedicate Synagogue On September 26

Final plans for the dedication of the local synagogue and community center were made last evening at a meeting of the Jewish Community Center, Ralph Sobelson, president, presiding.  The ceremony is scheduled to take place on Sunday afternoon, September 26.  Further particulars on the program will be available at a later date.


Capacity Audience Attends Jewish Community Center Dedicatory Rites Sunday

Formal dedication of the Jewish Community Center of Bangor, which occupies what was formerly the Welsh Methodist Episcopal Church edifice on South Fourth street, took place yesterday afternoon with a capacity audience, including numerous out of town guests, in attendance.

Everett J. Melnick, program chairman, offered the message of welcome and subsequently introduced the various visitors who were  to extend words of congratulation on behalf of the organizations they represented, while Rabbi Harold M. Schulweiss, who is to serve as the religious leader at the center, gave the dedicatory address in the absence of Rabbi Joshua Trachenberg, of Easton who, Rabbi Schulweiss also offered the invocation.

Greetings were brought from the Borough of Bangor by Ernest Turtzo, veteran councilman and former council president;  the Rev. J. Laurence Carr, pastor of the First Methodist church, representing the Bangor Ministerial Association;  the Jewish Community Council of Easton, with Emmanuel Siegel serving as spokesman;  the National Jewish Welfare Board, Jack Sher, of Easton, the speaker;  and the Easton Y.M.H.A., George Weitzman, its president extending congratulations.

Presentation of the charter was made by Attorney J. Lawrence Davis to Samuel H. Korn, founding president and the latter in turn, presented the key to Ralph Sobelson, current president, and Mrs. Abraham Sandler, president of the Sisterhood.  Mr. Korn, together with Edward Rosenberg, vice president;  Irving Edelson, treasurer, and Morris Schnitzer, secretary were the first elected officers of the center.

Bearer of Torah during the preceding processional were Julius Dickstein, Henry Himelstein, and Edward Rosenberg.  Mrs. Allan Leopold and Mrs. Elizabeth Wolff, respectively, officiated at the lighting of the Eternal Light and the Menorah while the dedication of the ark and pulpit was conducted by Reuben Rosenberg.

Liturgical music was sung during the processional by Cantor Stanley Sobelson, accompanied by Mrs. Joseph Rubenstein.  Subsequent musical selections were also sung by Cantor Sobelson.  The singing of Hatikvah was led by Mrs. Walter Blau, with Mrs. Rubenstein accompanist.

Rabbi Louis Katzoff, of the Congregation Children of Abraham, Easton, led in the responsive readings.  Rabbi Schulweiss pronounced the benediction.

The red brick building, with its distinctive bell tower vari-colored windows, which is occupied by the center has been a community landmark since 1890.  The lot on which it stands was acquired by the trustees of the Welsh Methodist Church in the late 1880’s the building constructed a decade later, and the property conveyed by the trustees to the Shiloh Methodist Church on November 10, 1891.  For more than half a century, divine worship was conducted there, usually in Welsh.

When a merger of the Shiloh congregation with the First Methodist Church was effected on February 14, 1946, the land and building were placed on sale and later acquired by the Community Center group the deed being delivered on November 1, 1946.  Extensive renovations followed until the interior of the building assumed its present splendid form.

Current plans for the use of the center call for bi-weekly services in charge of Rabbi Schulweis.  There also will be a Sunday School for children.  Forums for the general public are also contemplated.

Charter members of the center include:

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Babat, Mrs. M Berkowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blau, Mr. Louis Brower, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Edelson, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hertz, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Korn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laveton, Miss Fannie Leavitt, Ms. Allan Leopold, Mr. and Mrs. Everett J. Melnick, Mr. and Mrs. J. Melnick, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ravitz, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Rogat, Mr. Edward Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Sandler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schecter, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Schnitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schor, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Share, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sheinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shmookler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, Mr. David Swartz, Mr. Henry Weissman, Mr. Jerry Weissman, Mrs. Elizabeth Wolff.

One charter member, Abraham Wollfe was lost by death.  His son, Irwin B., also died in the Philippines while with the country’s armed forces.


Special Services

The Day of Atonement services at the Bangor Jewish Community Center will begin tomorrow afternoon at 5:15 o’clock with Rabbi Harry Schulweis in charge.  Services will be resumed on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Yom Kippur To End At Sundown

Sundown today will mark the end of Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, the most solemn holy day in the holy day in the year for followers of the Jewish faith.

The observance concludes ten days of penitence and prayer which was ushered in by Rosh Hashanah.

Yesterday’s observance was marked by services at the local Jewish Community Center at 5:15 p.m.  Services continued today, starting at 9 a.m., Rabbi Harold Schulweis in charge.


Sobelson Re-elected Jewish Community Center President

Election of officers took place last evening at the annual re-organization meeting of the Bangor Jewish Community Center held at the association’s center, and Ralph Sobelson was returned to the presidency as a result of the balloting.

Also named to office are:  Edward Rosenberg, vice president;  Abraham Sandler, secretary; and Everett Melnick, treasurer.  Harry Cohen, Harry Laveton, Maurice Schnitzer, Sidney Babbitt and Jacob Melnick were elected to the board of directors, and Joel Rogat was named honorary vice president.


Joel Rogat, Shirt Manufacturer, Jewish Center Founder, Is Dead

{Duplicate – see above article}


Jewish Community Center Plans Fund Raising Campaign

A covered dish supper and a combined meeting of the Bangor Jewish Community Center and the Sisterhood of the Center, was held on Tuesday evening at the Home on Fourth street with president Ralph Sobelson, presiding.

All committee chairmen submitted favorable reports.  Plans are currently underway for a fund raising drive.  Several projects from which funds can be derived are under speculation.


Hadassahs Discuss State of Israel

A Hadassah meeting was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, last evening.  The education portion of the program consisted of a discussion on the State of Israel, its government, cabinet structure and leaders.

During the social program a dramatic reading on “Arbor Day in Israel” was presented.

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson and Mrs. Alan Leopold, Youth Aliyah chairman, who recently attended the Youth Aliyah’s Fifteenth Anniversary celebration in New York reported on the ceremonies that were arranged by the groups national Youth Aliyah committee at the Starlight Roof of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.  Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, head of the committee’s advisory board, received the first Henrietta Szold citation and award for humanitarian service, during the meeting.  Miss Szold, America’s leading woman Zionist and pioneer in social work of the rank and generation of Jane Addams and Lillian Walk, founded Hadassah in 1912 and died in Jerusalem on February 13, 1945.  The event was celebrated simultaneously by Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America.

Youth Aliyah’s 15th Anniversary

Aliyah means ascent, in Hebrew.  Literally this migration has been an ascent of thousands of children from a living death to security and freedom.  The road was rough and long and not all the youngsters made it.

Youth Aliyah’s fifteenth anniversary was marked with the opening of a new children’s reception center at Alonim, a half hour’s motor ride inland from Haifa.  The center, called Szold House in tribute to Baltimore-born Henrietta Szold, who at the age of seventy-three undertook the job of moving Jewish youngsters out of Germany and directing their education and care in Palestine.  During the eleven years she held the job her operations spread to every country in Europe.


Mrs. Sobelson Reelected Head Of Hadassah’s

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson was re-elected president of the Hadassah, for her fourth consecutive term during the meeting of the organization, held at the home of Mrs. Jacob Melnick.  Other officers elected were:  Mrs. Emanuel Hertz, vice-president;  Mrs. Lennick, second vice-president;  Miss Fannie Leavitt, corresponding secretary;  Mrs. Sidney Babat, recording secretary;  Mrs. Charles Schecter, treasurer;  Mrs. Harry Cohen, membership chairman and Palestinian supplies;  Mrs. Allen Morgan, chairman of American affairs;  Mrs. Albert Share and Mrs. David Auerbach, co-chairmen of the Hadassah Medical organization;  Mrs. Irving Sheinberg, Youth Aliyah;  Mrs. Allen Leopold, Child Welfare and Mrs. Abraham Wolff, Social chairman.

Miss Leavitt presented a report on J.N.F., for the trees planted in Israel and a letter was read from Mrs. Dora Levin congratulating the Bangor group on the excellent work they are doing.  Announcement was made that the regional convention will be held in Harrisburg, Pa on May 21, 22, and 23.

A program, The Eternal Light, will be broadcast over radio station WEAF, April 24, at 12:30 p.m. and the public was urged to listen.

Hostesses for the meeting were:  Mrs. Melnick, Mrs. Sandler and Mrs. Edelson.


Community Service At Jewish Center

The Jewish Community Center today announced that an open community service will be held on Friday at 8:30 p.m. in the Center, located on South Fourth St.

Rabbi Harold E Schulweis will officiate at the combined service and several ministers from the Bangor church will participate.


Mark Anniversary

A community service marked the third anniversary of the Bangor Jewish community center Friday night.  Rabbi Harold Schulwers, of New York City was principal speaker.

Ralph Sobelson, president of the center, extended the welcome and introduced Rabbi Schulwers, the Rev. Fenton I. Laucks, of St. John’s Evangelical and Reformed Church;  the Rev. Frederick R. Gibson, of the Presbyterian Church, and the Rev. Lester C. Updegrove, of the Salem Evangelical United Brethren Church.

Other representatives included Harry E. Flory, of the Bangor Kiwanis Club, and A.C. Oberholtzer of the Bangor Chamber of Commerce.  Brief talks were given by each.

Close to 100 attended the service.


Ira Feinberg Opens $18,000 Jewish Drive

A spirited address by Ira Feinberg, 19 year old veteran of the recent Isrealean War, marked the opening of a ten day campaign in the Slate Belt area to raise $18,000 for the United Jewish Appeal, the local share of the National goal of two and one half million dollars.

Feinberg, a resident of Long Island, N.Y. was the first American to join the fighting forces of Israel and his address before a capacity crowd at the Jewish Community Center in Bangor last evening, cited his experiences at the front and told of his observations in Europe, where he lived for a short time in a transient center in France.  He gave a warm and dynamic account of the major United Jewish Appeal aims as he told of the struggle to defend and build a new life in the new Jewish State.  He was introduced by R. Abramson, field representative of the United Jewish Appeal, who spoke briefly.

Chairman of the local drive, Morris Schnitzer, termed the inauguration of the drive very successful.  Ralph Sobelson, president of the Jewish Community Center, delivered a few remarks on behalf of the Appeal, announcing that indications point to a successful campaign.

Mrs. Shirley Schnitzer served as chairman of the dinner committee, assisted by Mrs. Elizabeth Wolff and Mrs. Rose Leopold.  Dinner guests of co-chairman Edward Rosenberg, attended.

In addition to chairman Schnitzer, other committee members, who arranged for the affair, included:  Harry Cohen, David Auerbach, Abe Sandler, Irving Edelson, Harry Laveton, Samuel Ravitz and Ralph Sobelson.


Concert Tomorrow

Plans for the piano concert by Paul Schocker of Easton, tomorrow evening at the First United Evangelical Church, have been announced as complete by the committees in charge of the affair.  The concert is under the combined auspices of the Senior Choir of the First United Evangelical Church and the Jewish Community Center.


Harry Cohen Elected Jewish Center President

Harry Cohen was elected president of the Bangor Jewish Community Center, during the annual election of officers last evening at the local center.  Other officers named were:  Edward Rosenberg, vice-president;  Abe Sandler, secretary;  Morris Schnitzer, treasurer;  and Ralph Sobelson, David Auerbach, Ben Shor, Walter Blau and Harry Laveton, board of directors.

It was announced that installation ceremonies will be conducted on November 26.


Rabbi Schulweis To Be Speaker At Kiwanis Meeting

Rabbi Harold Schulweis, of the Jewish Community Center in Bangor will be the guest speaker at the regular weekly meeting of the Bangor Kiwanis Club, Thursday evening at the Colonial Hotel.  Rabbi Schulweis will be introduced by Ralph Sobelson, program chairman for the affair.

On August 26 the club will hold their annual picnic and covered dish supper at Flory’s Grove.  Ross Common Members, wives and families of the Bangor Kiwanis club will attend.

Beginning September 1 the Kiwanis club will hold all of their meetings at the Colonial Hotel.


Rabbi Schulweis Gives Stirring Address on Israel, Its People At Kiwanis Club Dinner-Meeting

Members of the Bangor Kiwanis club heard a stirring description of Israel and its people when Rabbi Harold Schulweis of the Jewish Community Center in Bangor delivered the main address last evening at the Colonial Hotel.  Introduced by program chairman Ralph Sobelson, Rabbi Schulweis’ address was “Creative aspects of modern Israel today.”  He pointed out that the new nation faces mountainous housing problems, as well as employment and said that “Israel as all the cultures of America today, but lacks the progressive ideas we here in America have incorporated.”  He told of the morale and spiritual degeneration of Jewish people, following the war, when six million Jews were exterminated by the Germans.  He said that almost all of the labor in Israel is manual, for machinery has yet to reach that nation.  He remarked that Israel’s chief export, and principally the only export, is citrus fruit.  The response to Rabbi Schulweis’ address was delivered by David Stoddard.

A report on the Donkey baseball game, played Wednesday night in Saylorsburg, with the West End Lion’s club, was submitted by secretary George Remegan, who announced that the club had realized a profit of $90.41 from the affair.  Remegan also announced that all is in readiness for the Kiwanians participation in the street festival, sponsored by the War Memorial committee to be held this evening and Saturday at the corner lot at First and Broadway.  He called for volunteers to assist in supervising the ice cream concession this evening.

Club president William Walter had charge of the meeting.  The song leader was Rev. Seba H. Hamm, who also pronounced the invocation and James Drury played the piano.

The next meeting well be held at Hockreins Grand view, near Portland.


Jewish Center Plans Recital For October 18

A benefit recital by Paul Schocher of Easton was planned for October 18, when members of the local Jewish Community Center convened for their first fall meeting last evening.  The concert will be sponsored jointly by the Jewish Community Center and the First United Evangelical church in the auditorium of the First United Evangelical church.  Mr. Schocher, a pupil of the late Earl D. Laros, is a graduate of Julliard School of Music in New York City and has presented a number of recitals for benefit affairs throughout the Lehigh Valley.  This will be his first appearance locally.

Mrs. John Hoffman will serve as chairman for the affair, representing the First United Evangelical church and Harry Laveton will chairman the recital as a representative of the Jewish Community Center.

Ralph Sobelson, president of the local Jewish Community Center, presided at the meeting last evening.


Mrs. Schulweiss Wins Drawing At Jewish Center

Mrs. Harold Schulweiss was the winner of a hand-made beaded purse in a special drawing Saturday evening at a party held at the Jewish Community Center, with the Sisterhood has hostesses.  This special drawing was for the benefit of the Hadassah Medical Organization.

Announcement was made of the special services to be held Friday evening and Saturday and Sunday mornings in observance of the holiday commencing at sundown on Friday and continuing until Sunday.  Rabbi Harold Schulweiss will be in charge of the services.

Hostesses at the gathering were Mrs. Emil Hertz, Mrs. Samuel Ravitz, and Mrs. Harry Laveton.


Reports Given At Hadassah Meeting

Reports on the Hadassah Medical organization and the Jewish National fund were presented by Mrs. E. Hertz and Miss Fannie Levitt, respective chairmen, when the Hadassah Society convened at the local Jewish Center last evening.

Announcement that the National Convention will be held in Los Angeles, Calif. In November was made by the president of the society, Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, who presided.  It was also announced that Mrs. David Morris of Lancaster, Pa., representative of the South Eastern region, will be present at the next meeting in October to be held at the home of Mrs. M. Kaplan of Pen Argyl.

The program for last evening was in charge of the committee headed by Mrs. Harry Cohen.  Hostesses were:  Mrs. Morris Schmictler, Mrs. Ben Schor and Mrs. Allan Morgan.


Appreciative Audience Enjoys Piano Recital Given by Paul Schocker

A large and appreciative audience attended the concert presented by Paul Schocker of Easton in the First United Evangelical Church last evening.

Sponsored jointly by the Senior Choir of the First United Evangelical Church and the Bangor Jewish Community Center, Mr. Schocker’s program was varied, ranging from compositions by Schumann, Beethoven, Chopin and Bach to those of the modern composers, Debussy, Khatchaturian and Prokofier.

The Chaconne by Bach with variations by Busoni and the Tocata by Khatchaturian where played superbly and especially appreciated by professional musicians in the audience.  The Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven was breathtakingly beautiful.  The Aeolian Harp, by Chopin;  Patorale, by Scarlatti;  The Music Box, by Liadov;  and LaFille aux Cheveaux Lin, by Debussy were played with an amazing variety of tone color, warmth and delicacy.

Mr. Schocker was introduced enthusiasm of his audience by favoring with encores, Clair de Lune by Debussy;  Ritual Fire Dance by Mozart;  and the novel and amusing “Bread and Butter Waltz”, a delightful “tongue in cheek” number played with one finger.

Mr. Schocker was introduced by Harry Laveton of the Jewish Community Center, who together with Mrs. John N. Hoffman of the senior choir of the First United Evangelical Church was co-chairman of the affair.

Other committee members included Mrs. Cecil Honey and Mrs. Walter McFall of the Senior Choir and Mrs. Harry Laveton and Abraham Sandler of the Jewish Community Center.


Winkler’s Invite Public to View Rare Cereus Bloom

A very rare flower, the night blooming Cereus, will blossom tonight at about 8 o’clock at the home of its owner, Mrs. Max Winkler, Bangor RD 1.  Mrs. Winkler has extended an invitation to all interested to visit at her home this evening to witness the oddity.  The Winklers live on the road to Achenbach’s Grove, just outside of Ackermanville.

This strange oddity in the realm of flowerdom makes its appearance only once a year and then only for a short period of time.  Several flowers are expected to bloom this evening.  The Cereus buds from a plant about three foot high.  The pure white pedaled flower about eight inches in diameter, opens fully and then gradually diminishes until it is entirely closed eight hours later.

The flower owned by Mrs. Winkler was presenter to her eight years ago by Mrs. C. Tilbert of Bangor.  Last year many persons were attracted to the blossoming.  Few of these plants remain in existence in the country.


Jr. Jewish Group To Have Charge Of Services Tonight

The Junior congregation of the Jewish Community Center will have charge of services this evening, Stephen Sandler will officiate and Benjamin Sheckter will present the topic “Purin”.  Others participating will be Richard and Ellen Schnitzer and Greta Sue Eddelson, who will render a special prayer.

A social hour will follow, with the junior choir in charge.  Hostesses for the occasion will be Mrs. Sandler, Mrs. Schnitzer and Mrs. Eddelson.


Services Tonight At Jewish Center

Rabbi Harold Schulweis will deliver the sermon on the “Book of Leviticus” at the services in the Jewish Community Center at 8:30 o’clock this evening.  The sermon topic will be “Passover and It’s Significance Today.”  Mrs. Fannie Levitt and Mrs. J. Rogat will have charge of the program.

A discussion on a controversial subject will be led by Rabbi Joshua Trachenberg of Easton, Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in the Jewish Community Center with Mrs. A. Leopold, Mrs. H. Cohen and Mrs. J. Melnicke, scheduled to assist with the program.  It was announced last evening that members should submit their stubs for the drawing which will be held after the Saturday evening session.


Mrs. Laveton Elected Jewish Sisterhood Head

Mrs. Harry Laveton was elected president of the Sisterhood of the Bangor Jewish Community Center, during the annual elections held Tuesday evening.  Other officers named were:  Mrs. David Auerbach, vice-president;  Mrs. Al Share, recording secretary;  Miss Fanny Leavitt, corresponding secretary and Mrs. Allen Leopold, treasurer.  Installation ceremonies were planned for June 11 at the Center, to be conducted by Mrs. A. Aaron, Easton, regional vice-president.

Mrs. Abraham Sandler, retiring president, conducted the meeting when plans were made for a donor dinner to conclude the season.  The dinner will be held the latter part of this month.

During the culminating social hour, Mrs. Sandler and Mrs. Laveton, had charge.


Jewish Sisterhood Donates To Local March Of Dimes

A donation of $10 to the March of Dimes was made last night by the Sisterhood of the Bangor Jewish Community Center, meeting at the center.  Mrs. Pollie Laveton, president, presided.

Various committee reports were presented and a social was panned for early February.  Reports of Mrs. Edith Share, secretary and Miss Rose Leopold, treasurer, were presented.

A resume of an address by Woodrow A. Horn, given before the Lincoln P-TA, last night, was presented by Mrs. Beatrice Sandler.  Hostesses for the social hour that followed the business meeting were Mrs. Helen Auerbach and Mrs. Laveton.


Fannie Leavitt Elected Head of Bangor Hadassah

Miss Fannie Leavitt was elected president of the Hadassah society during the annual election held last evening at the Bangor Jewish Community Center.  Other officers named were:  Mrs. Ada Rogat, vice-president;  Mrs. Esther Cohen, corresponding secretary;  Mrs. Gertrude Blau, recording secretary and Mrs. Betty Schecter, treasurer.  Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, retiring president, had charge of the meeting.

A discussion of Cecil Roth’s book “The House of Nazi” featured the meeting, with Mrs. Sobelson, Mrs. Abraham Sandler, Mrs. Hertz and Mrs. Rogat participating.  A social hour culminated the evening.

Announcement was made that the afghan raffle drawing, sponsored by the Sisterhood of the Jewish Community Center, was won by Milton Wasser of Newark, N.J.


Committees Named By Hadassah

Various committee chairmen reported last evening when the Hadassah met at the home of Mrs. Max Kaplan, Pen Argyl.  Mrs. Fannie Leavit, the president, was in charge.  Mrs. Charles Schecter offered a reading.  A social hour culminated the gathering, with Mrs. Kaplan, Mrs. Emanuel Hertz, Mrs. Samuel Ravitz and Mrs. Max Poliner serving as the hostesses.


Jewish Center Launches Drive For United Appeal

Harold Fohrman, former pilot of the Israelian Army was guest-speaker recently at the Bangor Jewish Community Center, inaugurating the 1950 United Jewish Appeal Drive in this section.

Other speakers included Ned Mostell, field representative of the United Jewish Appeal and Ralph Sobelson, co-chairman of the local committee in charge of the campaign.

Rabbi Harold Gold opened the ceremonies and announced that the goal for the Bangor district is $15,000.

Serving with Sobelson as co-chairman of the campaign is Harry Cohen, president of the local center and Harry Laveton, is secretary and treasurer.  Announcement was made that contributions are being accepted by committee members and the campaign is open to the public.


New State of Israel Reviewed By J.M. Silver

Mrs. Jacob M. Silver, member of the National Board of Hadassah addressed 60 members and guests of the Bangor Chapter of Hadassah at a dinner held at the Colonial Hotel last evening.

Outlining the significance of the new State of Israel in the United Nations, Mrs. Silver’s topic “For the task ahead” described the problems and difficulties currently encountered where the absorbing of immigrants and placing of refugee’s are vitally necessary.  The speaker reviewed the history of Hadassah from its origin 38 years ago in Baltimore, Md., by Nerietta Szold, until present time when Hadassah is faced with the problem of caring for 45,000 refugee children and the rehabilitation of these children.  The purpose of Hadassah, as explained by Mrs. Silver, is to train doctors and nurses in Medical Schools for the health and hygiene of the Palestinian people.

The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Sam Ravitz and the president, Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, presided.

Musical entertainment was provided by Mrs. Walter Blau, who sang several Palestinian songs.

Following dinner, Mrs. Silver, in company with the members of the Bangor chapter of Hadassah, attended the concert at the First United Evangelical Church, presented by pianist Paul Schocker of Easton.


Bangor Hadassah Buys Trees in Israel

Purchase of a garden of trees in Israel by the Bangor chapter of Hadassah was announced last evening during a regular meeting of the Society, held at the Bangor Jewish Community Center.  Mrs. Fannie Leavitt, president, presided.

Announcement also was made that the quota has been increased for a new hospital in Jerusalem and that the formation of a Youth Aliyah project is being planned by Mrs. E. Hertz and Mrs. R. Sobelson.

Several members of the organization presented a short play and a social hour followed, with serving of refreshments by the hostesses, Mrs. A. Share, Mrs. I. Shienberg and Mrs. Walter Blau.


Easton Rabbi to Be Guest Speaker At Festival Here

First in a series of annual guests lectures will be inaugurated tomorrow evening at the Bangor Jewish Community Center, it was announced today.

Speaker for the first annual program will be Rabbi David Gordon of Easton, who will deliver the message, “Let Your Lights Show.”  The occasion also will mark the observance of the Hanukkah festival and will begin at 8:30 o’clock.  Hostesses for the affair, which will include a social hour following the meeting, are Mrs. Jacob Melnick, Mrs. Ralph Sobelson and Miss Fannie Levitt.

Sunday at 2 p.m. the children will hold their Hanukkah party at the center.


Easton Rabbi Is Guest At Local Jewish Center

Spielman of Easton was the guest speaker at a forum in the Bangor Jewish Community Center Saturday evening, speaking on the subject “Dietary Laws.”  The speaker was introduced by Rabbi Harold Schulweiss and a general discussion of the topic followed.

Refreshments served by Mrs. Ralph Sobelson and Mrs. Abe Wolff, culminated the evening.


Open Forum At Jewish Center

An open forum and discussion to the subject “Mercy Killing is it Justifiable” will occur tonight at 8:00 o’clock in the Jewish Community Center, Rabbi Harold Shulweis will speak.

Refreshments served by Mrs. Abe Sandler and Mrs. Ben Schor will culminate the evening.


Open Forum, Bible Class To Be Held At Jewish Center

An open forum and Bible class will be held at the Jewish Community Center this evening following the service conducted by Rabbi Harold Schulweis, whose subject will be “Reconstructing Rituals.”  The service is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m.

A masquerade and purin party and dance will be held at the Center on Saturday beginning at 9 p.m.  Refreshments will be served.

Sunday evening members of the Center will attend the interfaith meeting at the Salem Evangelical Church.  Rabbi Schulweis will be among the speakers.


Review of Book Marks Meeting of Hadassah Unit

Review of the book “New Star in the East”, written by Kenneth Bilby, was presented to members of the Hadassah Society last night by Mrs. Rebenstein, Mrs. Harry Masters and Mrs. Herbert Leavitt, all of Easton, when the local organization convened at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sobelson.

An invitation was received by the local chapter to attend a session in Easton on March 14 to hear an address by Mrs. Abraham Tulin of Hadassah National.

Miss Fannie Leavitt, president, presided last evening.  Report of the secretary, was submitted by Mrs. Harry Cohen and the treasurers statement was presented by Mrs. Helen Auerbach.  Serving of refreshments by Mrs. Sobelson and Mrs. A. Wolff, culminated the social hour.


Local Hadassah Hears Regional Vice President

“Work of Hadassah and its Progress” was the subject of an address by Mrs. Gruman of Lebanon, Pa., regional vice president of Hadassah Societies, at a meeting of the local chapter held at the Jewish Community Center.

Mrs. Abraham Sandler gave an appropriate reading on the life of George Washington.  Miss Fannie Leavitt, president, presided during the business session when various reports were submitted by committee heads and society officials.

During the culminating social hour refreshments were served by hostesses, Mrs. Charles Schecter, Miss Leavitt and Mrs. Harry Cohen.


Hadassah Members To Witness Ceremony

A delegation from the local chapter of Hadassah Society, is planning to attend public ceremonies to be held on Purim celebration, Thurs day, March 22, in Downtown New York commemorating the 39th anniversary of Hadassah and in memory of the founder, Henrietta Szold.  The occasion will be the renaming of a street now known as Drydock street, Szold Place.

Municipal officials will conduct the exercises including Mayor Vincent R. Impellitteri and Hadassah president, Rose L. Haprin.


Mollie Berkowitz Fetes Hadassah At Purim Celebration

Mrs. Mollie Berkowitz entertained the Hadassah Society at her home with Mrs. Alan Leopold and Mrs. Harry Laveton serving as co-hostesses.

Birthday anniversary of Mrs. Nettie Linnick was recognized.  Report of the secretary was given by Mrs. Harry Cohen and the treasurers statement by Mrs. Charles Schecter.

Following the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed in the form of a Purim Party.


Local Hadassah Discusses Plans For Bond Drive

Discussion of a huge bond drive for Israel occurred last night at the local Jewish Community Center when the Hadassah chapter convened for their regular session.

The campaign to raise 500 million dollars will be launched on May 10, the eve of Israel’s Independence Day at Madison Square Garden, New York with 50,000 expected for the country-wide celebration.  A roll-call of the 48 states will feature and Prime Minister Ben Gurion of Israel, arriving in this country on May 7, will be honored.  Report of the activities was made by Mrs. Abraham Sandler.

Election of officers also marked the session.  Miss Fannie Leavitt was reelected president;  Mrs. Beth Wolff was named vice-president and Mrs. Harry Cohen, secretary and Mrs. Charles Schecter, treasurer, both were reelected Committees for the year were appointed by Miss Leavitt.

Hostesses, serving during the social hour following the business meeting, were Mrs. Ben Schor and Mrs. Shirley Schnitzer.


Local Sisterhood Receives Invitation From N.Y. Seminary

An invitation to attend commencement exercises later this month in New York when Rabbis graduate from New York Theological Seminary was extended to the Sisterhood of the local Jewish Community Center, according to an announcement made last night when the organization convened at the center.

Election of officers featured the meeting.  Reelected for the ensuing year are Mrs. Harry Laveton, president, Mrs. David Auerbach, vice-president, Mrs. Albert Share, secretary and Mrs. Alan Leopold, treasurer.

During the business meeting in charge of Mrs. Laveton, plans were made for a social to be held in the near future.  Hostesses for the occasion were Miss Fannie Leavitt and Mrs. Ralph Sobelson.


Jewish Community Center Organizes For Coming Year

Irving Ederson was elected the president of the Jewish Community Center for the coming year during the annual reorganization meeting, in which the entire membership participated, held at the center last evening.  He succeeds Harry Cohen.

Re-elected to office were Edward Rosenbert, vice-president, Ralph Sobelson, treasurer, and Abe Sandler, secretary.

One new committee, to be know as the religious committee was appointed.  It is composed of Mrs. Harry Lennick, Abe Sandler, Joseph Smookler, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laveton.

Plans for a card party and social to be held Wednesday, May 16, at the center, were completed, and announcement was made of the dinner to be held at the Hotel Easton on Monday, May 21.  This will terminate the season’s activities for the local group.


Social Time At Community Center

A social gathering for the membership was held at the local Jewish Community Center last evening.  Cards were enjoyed and refreshments were served.  Mrs. Alan Leopold, Mrs. Charles Schecter and Mrs. Elizabeth Wolff formed the committee in charge.

Services will be held at the center at 8:30 o’clock tomorrow evening with Rabbi Raphael Gold officiating.  An informal discussion will follow.  Plans also have been completed for the membership dinner to be held at the Hotel Easton on Monday at 6:30 p.m.  A musical program will be featured.


Solemn Rites To Usher In Jewish New Year

Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, will be ushered in at the solemn religious services Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in the local Jewish Community Center.

These services, held in synagogues throughout the world will mark the beginning of the year 5712 in the Jewish calendar, which counts from the traditional date of the world’s creation.

Services will be held at 5:30 p.m. Sunday and Monday and at 9:30 a.m. Monday and Tuesday.  Cantor Epstein of New York will chant the services and Rabbi Harold Gold of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York will officiate.

A striking feature of the Rosh Hashana services is the sounding of the “shofar”, a primitive wind instrument made of a ram’s horn.  Its shrill notes seem to deepen the solemnity of the service today as they did thousands of years ago when shofar was sounded by Israelites of the Bible.

Jewish folklore has built around the Rosh Hashana prayers the tale that on this day each person is judged according to whether he has done good or evil during the past year and his fate for the coming year is decided on the basis of his goodness and inscribed in Heaven.  Consequently, Jews greet one another during the New Year season by saying or writing on Rosh Hashana cards, “May you be inscribed for a good year.”

Rosh Hashana, which is Hebrew for “beginning of the year” is primarily a spiritual occasion.  It begins a period of soul-searching and prayer known as the Ten Days of Penitence.  Their culmination is the fast day Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, which will fall this year on October 10.

Also participating in the liturgy, leading in songs and prayers, will be several of the congregation of the Bangor synagogue.


Hadassah Society Gives To Chest

Donation to the Community Chest was made last evening when the local Hadassah society assembled at the home of Mrs. David Auerbach.  Mrs. Lawrence Wolff served as co-hostesses.

Reports were submitted by Mrs. Charles Schecter and Mrs. Abraham Sandler during the business session in charge of Miss Fannie Leavitt, president.  Miss Leavitt also outlined details of the national convention held last month at Atlantic City, N.J.

Entertainment consisted of a skit with Mrs. Abraham Wolff, Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, Mrs. Schecter and Mrs. Harry Cohen participating.  A social hour followed the meeting.


Services Held at Jewish Center Here

Rabbi Raphael Gold of New York City conducted services Friday night at the Jewish Community Center, speaking on the subject “An Interpretation of Thanksgiving.”  Following services a round table discussion of current events was held.

Saturday morning the junior services were held for children and in the evening a social was enjoyed, with members of the Sisterhood serving as hostesses.  Yesterday from 9 to 11 a.m. Hebrew school was held for children.


Services At Local Jewish Center

Rabbi Raphael Gold spoke on “Why Religion?” Friday night during services at the local Jewish Community Center.

Saturday morning junior services were held and yesterday Hebrew School was held.  Preparations for the festival of light, to be held December 23, were announced.


Hadassah Society Observes Birthday Of Henrietta Szold

The birthday of Miss Henrietta Sold, founder of the Hadassah Society who died in 1946 was commemorated last evening by the local society, meeting at the Jewish Community Center.

A review of the book by Carlson, “Cairo to Damascus” was presented by Mrs. Abraham Sandler and an article was read by Mrs. Alan Leopold.

Miss Fannie Leavitt, president, presided for the business session when reports were submitted by Mrs. Harry Cohen, secretary and Mrs. Charles Schecter, treasurer.  Regional reports also were received.

Announcement was made of the drawing to be held December 30 and during the social hour which followed, refreshments were served by Mrs. Sandler and Mrs. Irving Edelson.


Chanukah Party For Dec. 30 Set By Sisterhood

Plans for the Chanukah, or festival of light, party to be held Sunday, Dec. 30, at the local Jewish Community Center were drafted last evening by the Sisterhood during its meeting at the center.

Mrs. Abram Wolff, charlady;  Mrs. Jay Frankel and Mrs. Irving Sheinberg were named to the committee which will complete the arrangements for the event which is for both children and adults.

The Sisterhood also decided to open a gift shop at the center.  Religious articles, books, records and other items will be sold, with all proceeds for the benefit of the center and related projects.

A donation was made to the Jewish Braille Institute in observance of Jewish Book Month a reading was given by Mrs. Wolff.

Reports were received from Mrs. Abraham Sandler, secretary, and Mrs. Allan Leopold, treasurer.  Mrs. Harry Laveton, the president, presided.  The social hour climaxing the evening found Mrs. Frankel and Mrs. J. Shmookler serving as the hostesses.


Jews To Mark Chanukah Fete Starting Sun.

The Jewish holiday of religious freedom, Chanukah, will be observed from sundown Sunday to Dec. 31.

Locally the Sisterhood of the Jewish Community Center has drafted plans for a party to be held Dec. 30 at the center.

Called the Feast of Lights, the holiday is observed with special services in the synagogues, by lighting candles in the homes and exchanging gifts.

Chanukah is a Hebrew word meaning “dedication”.  The holiday goes back many centuries to the day when a heroic group of Jews rededicated the Temple in Jerusalem.  It was the year 165 before the Common Era and the land of Israel was held by the Syrian Empire.

King Antiochus set himself u as a dictator and attempted to control religion, ordering his subject to worship idols and to pay homage to him as god.  When the Jews refused, the king’s agents began a reign of terror and tortured and killed many who remained loyal to the Jewish faith.

The Jews fought back.  They the rededicated the temple to God in a great ceremony of thanksgiving that has been commemorated ever since as the festival of Chanukah.


Program Brings To Close 8-Day Jewish Festival

A program by the children at the local Jewish Community Center last evening culminated the traditional observance of Chanukah, eight-day festival of lights.

Group singing, a cornet-trombone duet by Billy Schecter and Steven Sandler, and the presentation of gifts to the children, with Mrs. Harry Laveton, president of the Sisterhood, officiating in the distribution, marked the entertainment offered.

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, Mrs. Abraham Wolff and Mrs. Charles Schecter also were honored in recognition of the outstanding effort they performed as members of the local chapter of Hadassah.  ________ was given a certificate certifying that the trees in their honor had been planted in Israel.  The presentation was made by Miss Fannie Leavitt, president of the local chapter.

A covered dish supper with the members of the Sisterhood as the hostesses and Mrs. Wolff as the general chairman, preceded the program.  After the supper the lights were kindled and the blessings given by Jacob Melnick.

At the conclusion of the evening the drawing sponsored by the Bangor chapter of Hadassah was held and the following winners were announced:  J. Lawrence Davis, on painting;  Mrs. Ernest Turtzo, nylon night-gown;  Harry Cohen, men’s shirts;  Mrs. Mildred Harris, weekend kit;  Dr. R.W. Fritsche, pair of men’s slacks;  Bangor Lumber Co., two ladies blouses;  Edward Rosenberg, jewelry set;  Harry Linnick, pair of men’s slacks;  and Mrs. Samuel Korn, a blouse.  Prizes may be picked up at the Strand Shop.

________ service for children on ______ morning and Hebrew School yesterday morning also contributed to the weekend activity at the center.  Rabbi Raphael Gold, of New York City, was in charge.

Rabbi Gold also conducted the services on Friday, at which time the guest speaker was Dr. Manfred Arie, formerly a judge in the supreme court at Vienna, Austria.  Forced to leave Vienna with the rise of Hitlerism, he has since lectured throughout the United States on international law, on which he is an authority, having authored several books on the subject.

He spoke here on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal, annual drive for Hebrew charities.


Brief Biography of Harold Schulweiss from the Beth Abraham News

Rabbi Schulweis, Con’t.

A graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Rabbi Schulweis was Associate Rabbi of Temple Emanuel in Parkchester, New York, before coming to Oakland.  He also was the spiritual leader of the Bangor Jewish Community Center in Bangor, Pennsylvania.

Born and educated in New York, Rabbi Schulweis graduated from the Teacher’s Institute of Yeshiva Issac El Chanan.  He received his B.A. at Yeshiva College and his Masters Degree at New York University.  Rabbi Schulweis is the co-author of a forthcoming book entitled “Source Book in the Philosophy of Religion.”  He has also been a contributor to several Jewish and secular periodicals such as the Reconstructionist, the Preview of Religion, and the Personalist.


Weekend Services at Local Jewish Center

Rabbi Raphael Gold conducted services Friday night at the local Jewish Community Center.  A round table discussion followed.

Saturday morning junior services were held for the children and yesterday morning Hebrew school occurred.


Work In Israel Is Outlined At Session Of Hadassah Chapter

The mode of living and type of work being done in Israel today was outlined last night by Mrs. Ralph Sobelson to members of the Bangor Chapter of Hadassah, gathering at the local Jewish Community Center.

Miss Fannie Leavitt, president was in charge of the meeting and paid tribute to Mrs. Charles Schecter, active member who is leaving this area to Pottsville to reside.

A moment of silent prayer was observed in the memory of the late Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Members extended congratulations to Mrs. Jacob Melnick to recently celebrated her 45th wedding anniversary.  During the social hour which followed refreshments where served by Miss Leavitt, Mrs. Schecter and Mrs. Harry Cohen.


Sixth Anniversary Of Jewish Center To Be Observed

Preparations to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the local Jewish Community Center were launched last night at a general membership meeting held at the Center.  Irvin Shinberg was appointed chairman of the banquet committee and the function will occur May 3 at Hotel Easton.

Jay Frankel, acting president, directed the session.  Reports were received from Abraham Sandler, secretary;  Ralph Sobelson, treasurer and by Mrs. Harry Lennick for the religious committee.

Mr. and Mrs. Frankel were appointed to represent the Center at the Jewish Community Council meeting in Easton in the near future.  It was announced that regular services will be held at the Center Friday evening with Rabbi Raphael Gold officiating.

Following the session refreshments were served by the Sisterhood members.


Founding of U.S. Jewish Landmarks Told In Address

A talk on preparations by the American-Jewish Historical Society to mark the founding of the first Jewish community and the first synagogue in the United States was given by Mrs. Ralph Sobelson last night when the Sisterhood of the local Jewish Community Center assembled at the Center.

The first synagogue, Tuoro, was founded in 1658 at Newport, R.I. and the first community on Manhattan, New York in 1652.  The former as been designated by the government as a national historic site, Mrs. Sobelson said.

Announcement was made of the regional parley at Easton on Feb. 19 and also of the state conference in Harrisburg, April 29 and 30.

Mrs. Harry Laveton, president had charge of the meeting.  Reports were submitted by Mrs. Abraham Sandler, secretary and Mrs. Alan Leopold, treasurer.

During the culminating social hour hostesses were Mrs. Leopold and Mrs. Irving Sheinberg.


Regional Head Visits Bangor Hadassah Soc.

Mrs. Louis B. Rosenstein of Vineland, N.J., regional president of Hadassah spoke to members of the Bangor chapter recently when they met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sobelson.

The district head outlined the highlights of the conference held in January in New York and announced the membership in the society has grown to 300,000, with 1161 chapters extending from New York to Alaska.  She also disclosed that Dr. A. Mann is now head of the Hadassah medical organization in eastern Pennsylvania.

Announcement was made of the special broadcast over a nationwide network on March 1 when the 40th anniversary of Hadassah will be celebrated.  The broadcast will be heard from 10:30 to 11 p.m.

Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Sobelson, Mrs. Irving Sheinberg and Mrs. Walter Blau.


Hadassah Marking 40th Year With Broadcast Tonight

Hadassah will celebrate its 40th anniversary tomorrow with a coast-to-coast broadcast originating over the American Broadcasting Co. at 10:30 p.m.

Martin Andrews, top-flight director will conduct, Sylvia Berger, noted radio dramatist wrote the show and Alice MacMahon, actress will star in the presentation.

Miss Fannie Leavitt is committee chairman of the Bangor Hadassah group.


Public Showing Of Israel Film At Jewish Center Tues.

Preparations for the public showing of a film entitled “People of Israel” at the Jewish Community Center next Tuesday were formulated last night at a membership meeting.

Rabbi Louis Youngerman of Allentown who recently returned from Israel, will project the films he took and also conduct a question and answer period following.  The program is open to the local public.

Announcement was made that Festival of Purim will be observed next Tuesday.  A report was submitted on the Center’s project, an anniversary journal and it was announced the men will entertain the ladies Saturday night at a social in the Center.

Rabbi Raphael Gold will speak on “The Women’s Role in Jewish Life” Friday evening during regular services.  Saturday morning at 10 o’clock junior services will be held and Sunday morning Hebrew School will convene.

Ladies of the Sisterhood served refreshments at the close of the meeting.


Film Of Israel At Local Jewish Center Tonight

A film taken during a recent tour of Israel by Rabbi Louis M. Youngerman of Allentown will be shown at the Jewish Community Center tonight.

Rabbi Youngerman, graduate of the University of Cincinnati and the Hebrew Union College, served as Hillel director of the Universities of Florida and Maryland and was Rabbi of Congregation Mickve Israel of Savannah, Ga. for four years prior to coming to Allentown.

The film showing, open to the public and scheduled to begin at 8 o’clock, depicts life in the new nation.

Rabbi Youngerman will conduct a question and answer period following.


Beth Wolff Is Elected President Of Sisterhood

Beth Wolff was elected president of the Sisterhood of the Jewish Community Center at the annual reorganization held last evening at the Center, on South Fourth Street.

Other officers named at last night’s meeting were:  Esther Cohen, vice-president;  Rose Leopold, treasurer;  Beth Sandler, secretary;  and Miss Sammy Leavitt, corresponding secretary.

Installation of the officers will be conducted on May 17 during the Fifth Anniversary dinner to be held at Hotel Easton.

Mrs. Julius Korn of Pen Argyl served as the guest speaker.  It was announced that a joint meeting of the Sisterhood with the Community Center heads will be held on May 6.

The treasurer and secretary’s reports were approved.  Mrs. Leavitt also submitted a report on the Gift Shop project.  A social hour followed.


Radio Program To Salute Jerusalem Medical Building

Three medical experts of the World Health Organization who recently returned from a WHO medical mission to Israel will speak on their experiences as well as on the proposed Hadassah Hospital and Medical Center building in Jerusalem, ground for which was broken Thursday, over the National Broadcasting Company’s radio system tomorrow afternoon from 12:15 to 12:30 o’clock, EDST.

Mrs. Samuel J. Rosensohn, national president of Hadassah, will serve as the moderator for the transcribed program, which will  introduce Dr. Leo M. Davidoff, neurological surgeon at Mt. Sinai and Beth Israel Hospitals, New York City, and chairman of the medical mission; Dr. Paul Klemperer pathologist at Mt. Sinai Hospital and professor of pathology at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; and Dr. Samuel Z. Levine, professor of pediatrics at Cornell University.

Miss Fannie Leavitt, president of the local chapter of Hadassah, in announcing that NBC through its Public Affairs program, is helping the national organization to celebrate Medical Center ceremonies, urges area residents to tune in, particularly since the many area contributors who supported the drive by Hadassah helped make this Center possible.


Rummage Sale Ad

Rummage Sale

New Toys

OCT. 21st to 24th

On Sale At

50 Market Street

Sponsored By

Bangor Jewish Center


Local Chapter of Hadassah Advised Of Regional Meet

Announcement of a regional conference to be held at Scranton on Sunday, Feb. 1, was made yesterday afternoon when the local chapter of Hadassah assembled at the ho e of Mrs. Harry Cohen, S. 1st St.  Several of the Bangor group plan to attend this parley following receipt of an invitation from the Scranton Hadassah.

Reading of prayer and singing of America opened the meeting, which was conducted by Miss Fannie Leavitt, president.  The report on current news events was given by Mrs. Abe Sandler while regular reports were presented by the secretary, Mrs. Cohen, and the treasurer, Mrs. Harry Laveton.  Singing of the Hatikovoh concluded the meeting.

After the business session refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Mollie Berkowitz, Mrs. Walter Blau and Mrs. Cohen.


Bangor Sisterhood Schedules 2-Day Event on Mar. 4-5

Plans for a rummage sale on Wednesday and Thursday, Mar. 4 and 5, were formulated by the Sisterhood of the local Jewish Community Center during a meeting on Monday evening.  The sale will be held at the center.

Announcement was made of the regional conference of Sisterhood to take place at Easton Apr. 21 and 22.  An invitation also was extended the Bangor group to be guests of the Easton Sisterhood at a symposium on Mar. 19.

The symposium, to occur in the vestry room of the Children’s of Abraham Synagogue, will be on the subject “What Makes for a Happy Marriage.”  Participating will be Rabbi David Gordon and a prominent psychiatrist, a psychologist and a social worker.

Mrs. Beth Wolff, president, was in charge of the local meeting.  Reports were rendered by Mrs. Abe Sandler, secretary, and Mrs. Harry Laveton, treasurer.  Following the business session a social time was enjoyed with Mrs. Wolff and Mrs. Harry Cohen serving as hostesses.


Prize Winners Of Hadassah Medical Assn. Announced

The following were named as winners at the annual drawing of the Hadassah Medical Organization held in the Jewish Community Center of Bangor on Thursday evening:  Ethel Snyder of Wind Gap received a water painted picture;  Joseph Meyers of Brooklyn, a Van Raalte Gown;  Joy Togs Co., a pair of men’s slack;  Herman Keller, 3 Gabardine shirts;  Helene Cowling, a panda Bear;  David Levitt, New York, a pair of trousers;  Posner & Weissman, a ronson lighter;  Post Office Box 312, Roseto, a man’s Swank jewelry set;  Ralph Sobelson, a Judy Bond Blouse;  Harry Laveton, an electric clock.


Reports Heard At Meeting Of Local Hadassah

The meeting of the Hadassah Society was held last evening in the Jewish Community Center with Miss Fannie Leavitt, president, presiding.

The reports of the secretary and treasurer were submitted by Mrs. Harry Cohen and Mrs. Harry Laveton respectively.

The American Affairs chairman, Mrs. Abe Sandler, reported on current events.

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson reported on a recent meeting of the Easton Hadassah Society which she attended when an excellent address on “Israel’s Progress” was given by Mrs. Schankman of the New York Educational Committee.

Members of the society made a contribution of linen to the Hadassah Medical Hospital in Israel.

Following the business session refreshments were served and a social time was held with Mrs. Abe Sandler and Mrs. Irving Edelson serving as hostesses.


Religious Services At Local Jewish Community Center

Local members of the Jewish faith will observe the services of the High Holy Days with services in the Bangor Jewish Community Center on Friday evening and all day Saturday.

On Saturday, the Day of Atonement, in conformity with the Biblical injunction, it is customary for the Jewish people to abstain from any kind of food or drink from sunset on the eve of the Day of Atonement until the beginning of the night of the following day.

The people of the Jewish faith all over the world gathered in their synagogues on September 10 and 11 to usher in the Jewish New Year.  These days were marked by solemn prayers for continued life and a future of peace and happiness for the entire world.


Hadassah Re-elects Incumbent Officers

Incumbent officers were re-elected during the meeting of the Hadassah Society last night at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, S. 2nd St.  Miss Fannie Leavitt, president, presided during the routine business session.

The president thanked all the members for their cooperation during the past year and expressed confidence in the continuation of this cooperation for the coming year.  Contributions were made for the maintenance of various charities in Israel.  Mrs. Abraham Sandler presented a resume of Hadassah facts and information.  Communications received were read by the secretary. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Sobelson.


Birthday Of Founder Of Hadassah Marked By Bangor Chapter

The birthday of Henrietta Zold, founder of Hadassah, was marked when the local chapter of Hadassah met at the home of Mrs. Ben Schor Wednesday evening.  The Feast of Life – Hanukah – also was celebrated at the session, directed by Miss Fannie Leavitt, president.

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson gave a reading on facts of importance in Israel, noting that 60,000 children have been brought into Israel and are given an opportunity to lead normal and useful lives as new citizens of the nation.

Mrs. Irving Sheinberg reported on the recent convention of Hadassah at Washington, D.C.  Announcement also was made of the Hanukah services to be held tonight at 9 o’clock at the Jewish Community Center here.  Rabbi Patok will be in charge.

Refreshments served by the hostess, Mrs. Schor, concluded the meeting.


Jewish New Year Starts At Sunset

Religious services at the local Jewish Community Center this evening at 6:45 o’clock will usher in the Jewish New Year for those of the Hebrew faith in Bangor and vicinity.

Other services are scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock, tomorrow evening at 6:45 o’clock, and Friday morning at 9 o’clock.  Rabbi Potok of the Jewish Theological Seminary of New York City, will officiate.

This ten-day observance by Jews throughout the world starts at sunset when Rosh Hashanah is ushered in and ends with Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, which begins at sunset Sept. 18.


Rabbi’s Wife Urges ‘Judaic Homes’

Women’s League is Praised

(From The Jewish Community Bulletin of San Francisco)

The lovely young wife of a new rabbi in the bay area, Mrs. Malkah Schulweis, spoke out this week in behalf of a living Judaism in the home.

“Religious education is not something which can be summer-imposed on a vacuum,” said Malkah – (which, incidentally, means Queen).  “Women must absorb, understand and live their culture;  the home should be a place where the cultural language of our people is a part of the very air we breathe.  This is the only kind of religious education that has any true meaning.”

Women’s League Confab

Wife of Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis of Temple Beth Abraham, Oakland, and mother of a 15-months old boy, Seth, the collegiate-looking Malkah was speaking with reference to the coming regional conference of the National Women’s League of the United Synagogue of American to be held at Temple Beth Shalom May 11 and 12.  A meeting of conservative Sisterhoods, the conference will be based on the theme “Keys to Modern Jewish Living.”

Basic “key,” according to Mrs. Schulweis, “is the education of the child.  And this comes largely through the absorption of sights and sounds, much more vitally than through formalized training.

‘A Jewish Home’

“The cooking, the decorations, the spirit of a holiday, the language idioms, - these are the things which make a child know he is participating in a culture, which say most aptly, ‘This is a Jewish home.’”

A graduate of Queens College and of Columbia University, Mrs. Schulweis herself attended adult classes at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York to “better understand the why and wherefore of Judaism.”  In good Judaic fashion, she also met her husband there – at a Purim dance while he was still a rabbinical student.

Week-End Rabbi

Interesting sidelight to the young couple’s early Seminary days was the time spent as a “week-end rabbi” in the small town of Bangor, Pennsylvania, with a total Jewish population of 25 families.  Recalling this, Malkah smiling calls herself a “rebbetzen” (rabbi’s wife).

More seriously though, Mrs. Schulweis vehemently declared, “the Temple today represents the entire civilizational complex of Judaism, at the core of which is the religious expression.  And this is the importance and primacy of Sisterhood over any other charitable philanthropic organization.


Local Hadassah Plans Annual Linen Shower For Hospital Benefit

Plans to hold the annual Linen Shower for the benefit of the Hadassah Hospital of Israel on the Purim Holiday, March 19, were made during the meeting of the local Hadassah Society Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Harry Laveton, 118 S. 3rd Street.

Miss Fannie Levitt, president, was in charge.  Mrs. Ralph Sobelson presented a topic on the current problems and progress in Israel.  She also gave a report on the progress of the Hadassah Hospital there.

An expression of sympathy was tendered Mrs. Abe Wolfe in memory of her late sister Mrs. Rosencranz in the form of trees donated for planting in Israel to her sister’s memory.

A social time followed the session with Mrs. Laveton as hostess.  It was announced that Rabbi Potok will hold services at the Jewish Community Center at 9 p.m. tonight.


Local Hadassah Chapter Appoints Miss Fannie Leavitt

Miss Fannie Leavitt, president of the local Hadassah Society, was named as delegate to attend the National convention at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York August 22 to 25 during the meeting of the local group in the Jewish Community Center last evening.

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, treasurer, submitted the financial report and also related the story of Purim.  Miss Leavitt presided and Mrs. Harry Cohen, secretary, gave the report of her office.  Linens were donated by members for the Hadassah Hospital in Israel.

It was announced that Rabbi Potok will officiate at the services in the local community center this Friday evening at 9 p.m.  Miss Leavitt, president, acted as hostess and served refreshments appropriate for Purim.


Life In Tel-Aviv Related To Hadassah By Mrs. R. Sobelson

A vivid account of life in Tel-Aviv, Israel, was provided by Mrs. Ralph Sobelson when the local Hadassah assembled recently at the residence of Mrs. Irving Scheinberg.

Details of conditions there were provided by Mrs. Sobeson’s daughter, Recia, who in company with her husband, visited there recently.  The latter returning from Siam were they resided the past two years, also were in Rome on Palm Sunday and managed to see the Pope during a public appearance.

The chapter planned a donors dinner for the near future.


Jacob Melnick, Retired Pioneer Men’s Nylon Shirt Manufacturer, Dies Today

Jacob Melnick, 72, retired Bangor manufacturer of men’s shirts and ladies blouses and originator and maker of the nation’s first nylon shirt for men expired at 11:30 a.m. today at his home, 321 Broadway, Bangor.

The well-known and popular Slate Belt figure was in ill health for the past five years.  He retired from business ten years ago.  Prior to his illness, occurring during his retirement, Mr. Melnick spent most of his leisure hours with his many friends which he accumulated during his 30 years of residence here.

He came to Bangor in 1922 as a supervisor of the Old World Shirt Company located in nearby Roseto.  Three years later he entered business for himself, purchasing the Well Made Shirt Co. located in the building owned by the late John Turtzo on North Seventh St.  He operated this three-story structure, employing 300 people, until 1951.  During that period he formed a new company known as the Golden Crown Shirt Company.

He was a pioneer in the manufacturing of men’s nylon shirts, which soon took the nation by storm.  He made the entire shirt here at his Bangor plant and sold them to wholesalers throughout the nation under the business trade name of “Sherman Shirt Creations.”

During World War II, Mr. Melnick sponsored many government drives for sale of War Bonds by personally underwriting many advertising programs to spur on the sales.  He conducted a Cadet Nurses drive in cooperation with the United States War Dept., in 1943.

He was a member of the BPOE Lodge No. 1106, Bangor; also the Bangor Masons, No. 563 and the Royal Arch Chapter No. 274.  He held memberships in various other organizations and fraternal orders.

Surviving besides his wife, Mary are two sons, Nathan Melnick, Easton;  Everett Melnick, Reading;  three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Edleson, Reading;  Mrs. Beatrice Sandler, Bangor and Mrs. Edith Gruber, Easton.  Several brothers, sisters, and grandchildren also survive.

Private funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Katinis Funeral Home, Easton.  Rabbi Pearlman of Easton will officiate.  Interment will be made in the cemetery of the Congregation of the Children of Abraham in Easton.


Max Winkler - Expires While Retiring for Evening in Santa Barbara, Calif., Hotel - page 1 of 4

The Slate Belt and the textile industry today mourned the loss of one of their leading figures when Max Winkler, 69, president and founder of the Blue Ridge Textile Company, expired in his hotel room last night in Santa Barbara, California.

Winkler, whose name became synonymous with textile manufacturing in this region, rose from the status of a young German immigrant to a place of great prominence in his community and the fabric producing industry.

Death came suddenly as he was preparing to retire for the evening in his hotel suite at Santa Barbara, where he ad been vacationing for the past week with his wife, Ethlwyn.

Born in Mittle Front, Saxony, Germany, young Max left that country 54 years ago at the age of 15 to visit his sister at Amsterdam, N.Y.  Deciding to stay in this country, he moved to New York City and obtained employment as a cutter in a glove plant there.

His first managerial position was with the Vanity Fair Company, lingerie manufacturers, at Reading, Pa.

On September 9th, 1913, Mr. Winkler made his first appearance in the Slate Belt when he became assistant manager of the Sterling Silk Glove Co., then operated in what is known today as the Sterling mill building, by Willis R. Jordan.

When the Sterling firm was purchased by the Julius Kayber Co. in 1918, Jordan, William H. Long, and Winkler transferred their ownership and managerial interests to the formation of the Slate Valley Silk Glove Co. in the present Bangor Mills structure on Pennsylvania Avenue.


Max Winkler - Expires While Retiring for Evening in Santa Barbara, Calif, Hotel - page 2 of 4

Running into difficulties in the then prevalent distressed condition of the silk market this firm was re-organized about 1924 as the Bangor Fabric Co.  A sort time later, when a branch, the Queen City Silk Glove Co. was formed in the upper stories of the present Acme Market building at First & Broadway Max Winkler was named superintendent of this branch.

About 1925, Mr. Winkler entered the employ of the late Arthur Schmidt’s Kramer Hosiery Co. at Nazareth, and when that firm bought out the interests of the Queen City Textile Co. at Allentown, Mr. Winkler became general manager and treasurer of the Allentown plant.

It was in 1937 that Max Winkler returned to Bangor to establish the foundation of what has become one of the nation’s foremost textile centers.  Taking over the Raub Silk Mill on upper Kline St. (then operated by the present Northampton County Clerk of Orphan’s Court) he began operations with some 30 employees.

Today, Blue Ridge Textile Co., recognized as a highly specialized producer of textile fabrics for gloves, underwear, blouses, dresses and many other articles of apparel and decoration, employs more than 300 people in four Bangor mills, and a fifth, established several years ago at Middletown, Delaware.


Max Winkler - Expires While Retiring for Evening in Santa Barbara, Calif., Hotel - page 3 of 4

Evidence of his widely recognized knowledge of the textile industry in all its branches was his commissioning as a Colonel by the U.S. Government to serve on a team of post-war civil and military experts making a survey of German textile industries to obtain production secrets from this defeated nation that might hasten the end of war with Japan.  The Government honored him for his contribution to his endeavor with the awarding of a citation at Lafayette College in 1951.

Mr. Winkler’s life was one of great service to his community and he was identified with many movements for civic improvements for civic improvements.  In a great many of his benefactions he insisted on an anonymous role.  One of his notable contributions to community life was the donation of a large tract of land in the Second Ward, popularity known as Pennico Field for the creation of a children’s playground.

His employees, many of whom knew no other employer in their lifetime, were remember handsomely sometime ago with the


pioneering local establishment of a profit sharing incentive plan.

He was a member of the Bangor Kiwanis Club and the Bangor Lodge of Elks, No. 1106.  He was a member also of the First Church of Christ, Scientist at Stroudsburg, and held membership in the Dutch Treat Club in that community.

Surviving in addition to his wife are one son, William B. Winkler, Bangor; two daughters Mrs. William D. Scot, Bangor, and Mrs. William Baldwin, Newark, Del; a brother, Paul Winkler of Allentown and five grandchildren.

Funeral services to be held here will be announced later.


Praiseworthy Attributes - Tribute to Max Winkler

It is well to note on this day the deep loss which is experience here in the Passing of Max Winkler.  This is a loss which is felt not only by his family and workers but by all citizens as well.

Bangor can be extremely proud that this man chose this town in which to spend nearly two decades of his useful life.

In the first place he brought credit to Bangor because he stood high among the men in the industry he represented.  His skill and knowledge made him not only an outstanding figure but one whose services became desired even by the United States Government.

In a practical way he is best to be remembered for having established in our community a place of employment for many hundreds of persons.  In a period of our local history when the prominence of the Slate Industry was fading and the operations of the Crown plant were uncertain, his plant continued to progress and to provide employment which remained steady.

A most praise-worthy attribute of Max Winkler was that he identified himself with community life and contributed to its growth in ways outside his industrial plants.  Although not holding any governmental position in the borough he became a member of numerous organizations wherein he gave of his time and his financial aid.

His interest in his community was not prompted by any desires for self-glory.  He chose to remain in the background while giving his effective assistance in the various movements.

We are indeed regretful when such a life as that of Max Winkler must come to and end.  We are extremely grateful for his contributions to our welfare and express the hope that his life will serve as an example for others to follow.


Large Turnout Witnesses Program Dedicating Park to Late Max Winkler

More than 300 persons assembled at the Second Ward playground Friday night to witness the dedication of the park in memory of Max Winkler, industrialist and founder of the Blue Ridge Textile Co., who died early this year.

Members of the Winkler’s family took part in the unveiling of a concrete memorial at the entrance to the park upon which is imbedded a bronze plaque saluting the industrialist for his service to the community and to the children of the Second Ward where the playground is located.

Mrs. Edith Scott unveiled the memorial, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Theresa Baldwin.  Winkler’s son, William spoke to the audience, expressing appreciation for his family in honoring his father.  Other members of the family, including his son-in-law, daughter-in-law and grandchildren, occupied the platform.  A letter was read from Mrs. Winkler expressing disappointment in being unable to attend.

Atty. James F. Pritchard, who served as the master of ceremonies announced that the bronze plaque ordered from a Cincinnati, Oh., Co. did not arrive in time for the exercises, but would be placed on the memorial upon arrival.  In its stead he reported that Warren Kressler improved a plaque upon which was inscribed the testimony to Winkler.

The Rev. Dr. J. Frederick Stolte, pastor emeritus of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, gave the dedication address.

Dr. Stolte termed Winkler’s life’s endeavors as “The American Story,” citing how he was born in Saxony, Germany and witnessed the textile operation as a child because his mother operated a knitting and weaving mill.

Winkler came to America shortly after the turn of the century at the age of 15, Dr. Stolte said, and settled with his brother in New York State.  He later became affiliated with the textile business and in 1913 came to Bangor as foreman for the Sterling Mills, later forming the Blue Ridge Textile Co.

Dr. Stolte recalled that in 1945 Winkler’s ability as a textilist came to the attention of the federal government and he was made a colonel the Army and was sent to Germany to safeguard textile secrets for the United States.  For his work he won national recognition.

The main speaker said Winkler strived for “steady work for adults and safe play for children.”  He lauded Winkler’s endeavors for youth saying “his heart was with the growing child” and it was this desire that eventually led in 1947 to the donation of land for the South Bangor playground, now the Max Winkler Memorial Playground.

The Rev. A.M. Herman, pastor of Salem EUB Church, in his invocation and benediction, also praised Winkler’s work with children and the ultimate donation of land for the play area.

Prichard, in his role as master of ceremonies, also applauded the late industrialist and showered praise on the Second Ward Community Assn. which planned Friday night’s dedication and has been instrumental in equipping the playground, augmenting gifts contributed by Winkler before his death.

The Pen Argyl American Legion Band, under the baton of Gerald Reimel, played selections during the program and immediately after.

The “Yellow Jackets” drum and bugle corps of E.H. Evans Post 378, American Legion, entertained with drills to conclude the program.  The local aggregation currently is bidding for top state honors and is running closely behind Williamsport for state honors.  Pritchard announced.  James Prime directed the corps in its selections while Jack Hart, drum major, headed the drills.

Among those in attendance were scores of boys from Little League teams in the community who use the playground’s diamond for the loop games.  Borough officials also were in attendance, as were a number of Winkler’s associates who came from out of town to witness the dedication.

The Second Ward Assn. officers who spearheaded the movement include Melvin Blake, president;  James Hamm, vice president;  Mrs. Earl Smith, treasurer.  On the arrangement committee were Blake, Bidwell Sweet, Burgess, Hayden B. Pritchard, Clyde Grigg, Herbert Fisher, Mrs. Delmar Moysey and Mrs. Charles Chamberlin.


Remember When Column - 12/17/37

The shirt factory operated by Joel Rogat on Pennsylvania Avenue near Sixth St. was closed “indefinitely” as 225 employees were dismissed after sharing in a final $3800 payroll.


Bethlehem Head Visits Local Hadassah Society

Mrs. Sol Phillips of Bethlehem, Regional vice President of the Hadassah Chapter, visited the meeting of the local Hadassah Chapter held last evening at the home of Mrs. Irving Sheinberg of Market St.  Miss Fannie Levitt, president was in charge.

It was noted that David Ben Gurion, the Prime Minister and Defense minister of Israel, is observing his 70th birthday anniversary this month.  Israel’s steady progress today is due to this man’s architectural design for a better Jewish state the members were told.

Mrs. Allen Leopold gave a book review on a new book published by the Random House titled, “Great Ages and Ideas of Jewish People.”  A social hour followed the meeting with the hostess, Mrs. Sheinberg serving refreshments.


Herman Korn Dies In Easton Hospital Yesterday;  Was 73

Herman Korn, 73, 405 Shank Ave., Pen Argyl, died in Easton Hospital at 12:30 p.m. Saturday after a brief illness.  He was admitted to the hospital last Tuesday.

Korn, who was retired, formerly was associated with the Zandman Lace Co., New York City.  He had resided in Pen Argyl for four years.

He was born in Austria and came to the United States 43 years ago.  He was a member of the Jewish Community Center, Easton.

Surviving are two sons, Julius, assistant treasurer of Bangor Mills, Inc., Pen Argyl and Sidney, New York City;  three daughters, Mrs. Regina Kreisman, Los Angeles, Calif.;  Mrs. Ann Bender, Long Island, and Rosalind Korn, Pen Argyl;  a brother, Leon, New York City, and two grandchildren.


Mrs. Sobelson Outlines Current Topics, Facts About Israel At Meet

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson discussed current topics and listed facts about Israel during a recent monthly meeting of the local Hadassah Society at the home of Mrs. Abram Sandler, the president, who also presided at the session.

In her talk, Mrs. Sobelson told of the progress being made in the country of Israel especially in the construction phase.  She cited instances of the erection of numerous hotels and other building in that country.

She also mentioned several personalities who have been instrumental in helping Israel in its reconstruction program.  Mrs. “Chef” Dora Levin of Easton, who has been voted the most outstanding of the works for the Hadassah in this area was cited by Mrs. Sobelson as one of those personalities who are working in this country.  Others who are doing good work in Israel cited by Mrs. Sobelson were Lotta Leavenson, Bertha Landsman, and Deborah Kallen.

One of the notable new accomplishments noted by Mrs. Sobelson in her talk was the building of the S.S. Israel, a new ship, which is making regular trips every three weeks between Haifa and New York.

Announcement was made of the plans being made to celebrate the Purim festival in conjunction with the February meeting.  Reports were received from Mrs. Harry Cohen, secretary and Mrs. Harry Laveton, treasurer.  Following the adjournment of the meeting refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Sandler.


Chain Reaction of Do-Gooding Urged By Easton Rabbi

A parallel between the chain reaction of nuclear science and that of mankind was drawn b Rabbi Alexander Feinsilver, of Easton, during the dinner meeting of the Kiwanis Club at the Colonial Hotel last evening.

Just as in the splitting of the atom, which results in a continuous interaction of particles, he noted that in the universe everything is constantly reacting with something else.  This also is applicable to the religions of the world.  Human relationship is very much inter-related, “We can only receive what we plant,” he said.  “If we plant the seeds of evil, we will receive evil.  We reap as we sow.”

“Do we make the most of our spiritual potential,” he asked.  This also can cause a reaction for good, he asserted.  It will do something for all.  We possess great potentialities to hold back evil.  Our attitudes and expressions will go from person to person, from nation to nation in a regular chain reaction.  But “it is up to us to start the right chain reaction,” he concluded.  “In that way we can influence the reaction of living mankind.”

Harry Laveton, program chairman, introduced the speaker while Lt. Edward Knox presented the certificate of appreciation.  Walter Eoert, president, presided and observed that the club’s standing in the district has moved upward.  S.H. Hamm offered the invocation.  William Zackey was the song leader;  James Drury the pianist.

Ernest Turtzo reported A.C. Oberholtzer recovering from illness.  Participation in the Little League Baseball program again was approved.  Irving Sheinberg and Harold Crane, the latter a member of the Easton Kiwanis, were introduced as guests.


Hadassah Society Hears Report Of Regional Meeting

A report on the regional meeting held in Philadelphia on Wednesday, Oct. 5, was received during the meeting of the local Hadassah Society last night at the home of Mrs. Irvin Sheinberg.

Mrs. Harry Laveton, treasurer submitted her report of her office.  Miss Fannie Levitt, president, was in charge of the meeting and Mrs. Harry Cohen as secretary also gave the report of her office.

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson reporting on an article in a recent Hadassah publication concerning Dr. Paul Dudley White, the eminent Boston Cardiologist, who was called upon to help President Eisenhower following his recent heart attack, announced that Dr. White in 1952 at an invitation of the Hadassah visited and lectured at the HMO installation in Jerusalem.

She related Dr. White was so impressed with the quality of the Hadassah medical work that he inaugurated the Hadassah Medical Organization Heart Research fund and donated the first check amounting to $1000 to the funds.

The meeting also served as a double occasion when Mrs. Sheinberg, the hostess, announced that the date of the meeting also marked her birthday anniversary.  The members extended good wishes to Mrs. Sheinberg during this observance of her birthday.  The serving of refreshments by the hostess culminated the gathering.


Remember When Column - 3/12/42

Mrs. Joseph Rubenstein and daughter Debbie, of Arden, Delaware, were visiting the former’s parents; Mrs. And Mrs. Ralph Sobelson.


Mrs. J. Rogat, Former Resident, Dies Sunday At Freeport, Long Island

Mrs. Joel Rogat, former Bangor resident and wife of the late Joel Rogat, founder and former owner of the Rogat Shirt Company here, died on Sunday at the hospital in Freeport, Long Island, N.Y.

Mrs. Rogat, who resided at 508 Market Street left Bangor as short time after the death of her husband seven years ago.  Mr. Rogat died in 1949.

Well known in the community she was a member of the Jewish Community center of Bangor and also the local chapter of Hadassah.

Funeral services are being conducted this afternoon at a funeral home in Rockville, Long Island, N.Y.

The only survivors are two sons, Robert Bernstein, of Freeport with whom she resided and Jack Bernstein of East Orange, N.J. and four grandchildren.


Remember When Column from Sept. 23, 1943

By offering two free passes to any adult buying $100 in bonds or to any child purchasing $5 in was stamps, Ralph Sobelson’s Strand Theatre helped sell more that $12,000 worth of bonds in the current third bond campaign.


Local Delegates To Hadassah Conclave

A two-member delegation of the Bangor Chapter of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, will attend the 43rd annual national convention of Hadassah at the Sheraton Hotel in Philadelphia from Oct. 24 through Oct. 28.

Mrs. Harry Laveton will head the local delegation, which will depart for Philadelphia by bus on the 24th.  The complete delegation will include:  Mrs. Harry Laveton, treasurer and Miss Fannie Leavitt, president.

More than 2,500 delegates and guests, representing Hadassah’s 315,000 members in 1,250 chapters and groups throughout United States, Alaska, and Puerto Rico, are expected to attend the convention, according to an announcement by Dr. Miriam Freund, national president of Hadassah.


Mrs. Ralph Sobelson Reports on Meeting of Hadassah Medical Soc.

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson reported on an emergency meeting of the Hadassah Medical Society Organization which she attended last week in New York when the local Hadassah Society convened last evening at the home of Miss Fannie Leavitt, the president.

Gold Mier, the foreign minister to Israel, was the guest speaker at the affair which was held in the form of a luncheon in the Waldorf Hotel, New York.

Last evening’s meeting was in charge of Miss Leavitt, president.  Reports were received from Mrs. Harry Cohen, secretary and Mrs. Harry Laveton, treasurer.  Mrs. Abe Sandler read a series of current events on conditions in Israel.  A social hour followed the session with Miss Leavitt, hostess, serving the refreshments.



Mrs. J. Rogat, Former Resident, Dies Sunday At Freeport, Long Island

Mrs. Joel Rogat, former Bangor resident and wife of the late Joel Rogat, founder and former owner of the Rogat Shirt Company here, died on Sunday at the hospital in Freeport, Long Island, N.Y.

Mrs. Rogat, who resided at 508 Market Street left Bangor as short time after the death of her husband seven years ago.  Mr. Rogat died in 1949.

Well known in the community she was a member of the Jewish Community center of Bangor and also the local chapter of Hadassah.

Funeral services are being conducted this afternoon at a funeral home in Rockville, Long Island, N.Y.

The only survivors are two sons, Robert Bernstein, of Freeport with whom she resided and Jack Bernstein of East Orange, N.J. and four grandchildren.


Sunday Services By Baptists At Jewish Community Center

Due to the building program, involving extensive renovations, currently in progress at the Mackey Memorial Baptist Church, Sunday morning’s worship service will be held at the Jewish Community Center on S. 4th St., between Broadway and Market at 10:45 o’clock.

Sunday School, under the direction of Edward Hower, superintendent, also will convene at 9:30 a.m. at the center with the exception of the primary department which will meet as usual in the social room at the church.

“If We Are Unworthy” will be the theme of the meditation to be offered by the Rev. Henry C. Wray, pastor, at the morning service.  All Sunday evening worships and prayer meetings have been cancelled for the present.


Remember When Column from July 25, 1942

A Bangor soldier made the movies.  Pvt. Nathan Melnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Melnick, Broadway, appeared in a current Paramount News at the Strand Theater as one of the U.S. Army guards at the trial of 8 Nazi saboteurs at Washington, D.C.  Advance notice of Melnick’s appearance in the film was contained in a letter a week previously by his friend, James Brusie, local fellowship student at Yale University who saw the newsreel in New Haven.


Daniel Hertz, U.S. Army volunteer, was tendered a surprise farewell party by the members of the R. & R. Toy Co. at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ravitz, Pen Argyl.


Mrs. C.F. Capozzi Speaks at Meeting Of Local Hadassah

Mrs. C.F. Capozzi of West Bangor, guest speaker, gave a special book review lecture during a recent meeting of the local Hadassah Society held at the home of Mrs. Ben Shor, Market St., Bangor.

Miss Fannie Leavitt, president, was in charge and reports were submitted by Mrs. Harry Cohen, secretary, and Mrs. Harry Laveton, treasurer.  Mrs. Ralph Sobelson outlined a number of current topics on Israel.  A delicious repast was served by Mrs. Shor, the hostess.

It was announced that former Lord Mayor Briscoe of Ireland will be a guest at a brunch to be held by the Hadassah societies on Nov. 23 at the Hotel Easton.

The previous month’s meeting was held at the home of Miss Leavitt.


Remember When Column from Dec. 19, 1923

Ralph Sobelson moved his household goods from the Johnson Estate on Main St. to one of the Oliver LaBar’s block houses on S. Main St.


Write-up on Poliner's Store - From Lou Bray

Poliner’s Store, 21 W. Main Street

On November 4, 1911 in the Correll’s building at the corner of Main Street and Railroad Avenue, Joseph Poliner opened his first store in Pen Argyl.  Later he had two stores on Main Street – one for men’s furnishings and the other for dry goods.  At first Mr. Poliner and his wife, whom he married in 1912, were the only employees.  Later her employed two ladies in the dry goods store.  Mr. Poliner belongs to the Easton Reformed Temple.  He is a former member of the Odd Fellows.



Remember When Column from Jan. 10, 1943

Prize winner at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Bangor Branch of Hadassah was Mrs. S.D. Brook, of Washington, N.J.


Remember When Column from March 4, 1933

Attending a party marking the ninth birthday of Ervin Jerome Joseph Poliner at the S. 2nd St. home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Poliner, were Carol, James, and Ann Bolger, William Jones, William and Grant Thompson, Harrison Poliner, Betty Farrell, Mrs. Ulric Jones, Mrs. Charles Thompson.


Remember When Column from April 10, 1943

Mrs. Harry Cohen, president of the Bangor Branch of Hadassah turned over to the local Red Cross drive, $61.15 which was raised through a benefit card party the organization held at the American Legion Home.


10th Anniversary Of New Israel Marked By Hadassah Chapter

The 10th anniversary of the founding of the new Israel was observed at a recent meeting of the local Hadassah Chapter held at the home of Mrs. Irvin Sheinberg.

Miss Fannie Leavitt, president, was in charge.  Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Epstein, members of the Bethlehem Chapter, who were guests at the local meeting, reported on the work of the Hadassah here and abroad, the progress being made in Israel and announced that a Hadassah conference will be held in Wilkes-Barre on May 20, 21, and 22.

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson discussed current topics, including many items of the work being carried on in Israel and here in behalf of the new country.  Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Sheinberg.


Named Regional Woman Of Year by Hadassah

A life quietly devoted to doing things for others earned an unusual honor for a Bangor woman, Tuesday evening.

Miss Fannie Levitt, of 235 Market St., was named Regional Woman of the Year by the 15,000-member Hadassah branches of Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware.

The award, kept a complete surprise to Miss Levitt, was conveyed at a banquet at Wilkes Barre.  The affair marked one of a series of nation-wide events continuing the celebration of the State of Israel’s 10th anniversary.

Among other gifts, Miss Levitt was presented with a certificate certifying the entry of her name in the “Book of the Builders” helping to build the Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem.

It’s thoroughly typical of her own humble, unassuming manner that the news of Miss Levitt’s accolade went almost unnoticed in this community.

But typical also to the point of being too easily overlooked, is the seemingly unimportant, yet vital, part that she, and many others, have played in the great American story.

For Miss Levitt was a young immigrant girl from Latvia back around 1905.

Here how two nieces, who secretly gathered material for use during Tuesday evening’s award presentation, remember hearing her story:

“Aunt Fannie came to this country with her mother as a young girl, contained with a burning desire to partake of the wondrous opportunities this beautiful lands of ours had to offer for the improvement of one’s culture, education and well-being.”

“However, she found herself frustrated in her inability to take advantage as she would have liked of the educational opportunities.  For she soon found it necessary to ear a livelihood for her mother and herself.”

“The next best thing she could hope for was an education to be obtained from evening classes in the public schools.  There is enrolled, and her life soon became a matter of toiling all day long in a shirt factory at a swing machine, attending evening sessions at school, and then returning home to study into the wee hours of the night.”

“To satisfy her desires for cultural development, she devoted her meager savings to accumulation of a library of our finest works of literature, which she hungrily devoured.”

“Unable to attend college herself, she later found a measure of fulfillment by financing the college education of a nephew who otherwise would not have been able to obtain it.  She made a musical education possible for another nephew.”

“Meanwhile, Aunty Fannie rose from sewing machine operator to factory forelady.”

“Never one to lament over the past, nor look down on the future, she gradually came to devote her life to tireless efforts of benefaction for many worthy causes.”

Locally, it is Miss Levitt’s outstanding efforts on behalf of Hadassah that are credited for the unique position the Bangor Chapter is believed to hold in this 300,000-member national women’s Zionist organization.

As far as is known, the Bangor chapter is the smallest in the whole organization.  In fact, the nine-member Bangor Chapter falls below the membership of 15 usually necessary to retain a charter.

Thus, Miss Levitt’s award stands out as a symbol of the proportional achievement that an individual worker in a small group can accomplish in a nationwide movement.

Miss Levitt left Bangor yesterday for a weekend visit in New York City with her niece, Mrs. Rose Bernstein.

Local chapter members attending Tuesday’s banquet with Miss Levitt were Mrs. Ralph Sobelson and Mrs. Abraham Sandler.



Ask New Salary Policy;  Would Rent Jewish Bldg

Rental of the Jewish Community Center across from the Bangor Area Joint High School has been asked as a possible solution to the urgent need for more rooms when the 70 new Six-District Jointure pupils come in next fall, Property Chairman Marvin DePamphilis told last night’s Three-District Joint Committee session.

DePamphilis said, however, he has not yet been informed as to the Center’s availability for this purpose.  The assembly place for area Jewry occupies what was once Shiloh Welsh Methodist Church.  It was used temporarily by the Baptist congregation recently while its church was being renovated.

Possible rental of the Center is only one of a number of emergency measures which DePamphilis said would be considered at an upcoming meeting of the newly-appointed Six-District property committee.

Among other suggestions are the reclamation of a former basement cloakroom in the high school building for possible use by mechanical drawing and other smaller size classes;  the installation of a partial ceiling of sound absorbent qualities at the north end of the cafeteria, with a folding door arrangement to divide it off as a classroom when the cafeteria is not in regular use;  the suggested transfer of secretarial quarters to the second floor of the Administration building to provide additional classroom space on the ground floor.

Besides the additional pupils from Portland and Upper Mt. Bethel currently attending East Stroudsburg High School, which fulfillment of the new jointure plans will bring in, Superintendent Donald B. Keat also warned the board of the imminence of institution by the County Board of a Junior High School class for mentally retarded children.  Grade school classes of this type were installed last year in the Columbus Building at Roseto.


Remember When Column from June 9, 1958

Samuel Berkowitz, son of Mrs. Mollie Berkowitz, 32 ½ Broadway was graduated from Lafayette College at its 98th commencement.


Irving Sheinberg, Local Blouse Manufacturer, Buys Plant On First St.

Irving Sheinberg of 508 Market St., veteran manufacturer of ladies’ blouses and men’s shirts has purchased the plant formerly operated by Capriotti’s Sportswear, North First Street, Bangor.

Sheinberg who has been in the manufacturing business here for the past 16 years recently sold out his interest in the Rogat Shirt Co. Operations at the newly purchased plant, which will hereafter be known as the Debbie Jaye Sportswear, began this week.

The staff of 30 employees currently employed at the plant is to be augmented soon, Sheinberg declared.  Plans are underway to employ at least 20 more within the next few weeks.  Additional employees will begin work at 3:15 p.m.

The late shift will only be temporary, Sheinberg said.  Renovations and an addition to the building will take lace immediately.

Sheinberg who came to Bangor in 1943 joined the Rogat Shirt Company in a supervisory capacity.  Ten years ago, following the deal of Joel Rogat, his father-in-law, Mr. Sheinberg became a partner with Henry Weissman in the operations of both businesses.

Sheinberg is married to the former Miriam Rogat.  They are the parents of one daughter Lois Scheff, a school teacher, whose husband Earl operates a haberdashery store in Washington, N.J.  The  Sheinberg’s have one granddaughter, Debbie Jaye Scheff.


Pen Argyl Milling Co. (Mill owned by the Wolfe's?) - From 1958 Bangor Phonebook








- FEED –



Delabole, Penna.


Remember When Column - 5-1-1914

45 Years Ago

The Max Winkler family moved from Messenger St. to the house vacated by Andrew Bruch on Penna. Ave.


Anniversary, Sale and Acquisition Mark Busy Time for Ralph Sobelson - page 1 of 2

It’s been an action-packed two weeks for the man who’s been bringing action-packed drama t Bangor for the last 39 years.

That’s Ralph Sobelson – Mr. Movies to several generations of gum-chewing, screen-glued moppets, and their parents.

Beginning his 40th year of Strand Theatre operation, he also recently completed the sale of his long-closed other movie house, the historic Music Hall, and acquired his first grandson-in-law.

And, for about the umpteenth time, he has painters busy redecorating portions of the Broadway establishment that has taken the investment of a small fortune just to keep up with 40 years of screen widening, sound encircling improvements in the ever-changeable film industry.

Never sparing to keep up to date, there are times when Ralph Sobelson wonders if the money wouldn’t have been better spent in bigger customer-potential environs.  These times of doubt are strongest on occasions like several recent Saturdays when the Strand matinees played to a bare half-dozen patrons.

And they are almost overwhelming when he compares the combined purchasing price and the redecorating investment for the Music Hall with the amount he received a fortnight ago when Michael Ruggiero bought the No. 1st St. film out as a future site for his Merry Maid Blouse Mill, now located in the rear of the former Pritchard Coal Co. establishment on No. Main St.

When Ralph bought the Music Hall, in 1935, after leasing it for three years from the late W. Earl Grubb, the auditorium didn’t even boast rest-room facilities.  Not counting, of course, those buried in the dim, dank recesses of the under-stage dressing rooms that fell into disuse with the passing of the once numerous home-talent and traveling productions.

Ralph’s brick front lobby beautifying project at a cost of thousands of dollars, is today about all that’s recognizable at the old showplace as Ruggiero’s carpenters finish ripping out the stage area and begin a vast floor-leveling job on the sloping auditorium area.

It should be pointed out, however, that the Music Hall wasn’t the first rival establishment in which Ralph Sobelson invested only to end up selling projection equipment for junk.

The very highly competitive nature of the ticket selling battle among film exhibitors showed early evidence here when Ralph bought out Bill Eyer’s old Broadway Theatre only to junk the equipment and thereby reduce his competition to one theatre – the Music Hall.

A strange co-incidence has Albert Trilli’s Duran Blouse Mill now operating on the second-floor site of the old Broadway Theatre in quarters until recently used by the Moose Lodge.

Again, in 1951, another set of projection equipment brought junk prices when, with Bangor voters finally favoring Sunday movies on the third ballot in 16 years, Ralph closed his Sunday operating brand of the Strand in Pinto’s Hall at Roseto, which had passed the local option vote some years previously.

Even just keeping up with the times was sometimes a waste of money.  Like the occasion in the 20’s when a $10,000 Paige organ gave the Strand a big-city-house atmosphere with Mrs. Fred McFall as organist and then, just before the final payment became due, the 1927 advent of the “talkies” and sound rendered the investment useless.

And in turn, the early record-playing sound equipment soon had to be replaced, at considerable cost, when film-attached sound tracks were introduced.  When Ralph recalls the long hours spent trying to synchronized the old-style separate sound record and film often with only partially successful results, it is understandable that he considered the replacement money well spent.

A similar feeling about improved seating arrangements is evident in the at least six occasions on which the Strand has been equipped with

(Continued on Page Four)


Anniversary, Sale and Acquisition Mark Busy Time for Ralph Sobelson - page 2 of 2

(Continued From Page One)

a new set of seats throughout.  Equally numerous have been the complete redecorating, screen, sound, heating and ventilating system changes down through the years.

To the popular proprietor’s credit also is the fact that for the last 38 of the Strand’s 39 years he has kept the same expert film projection operator – Harry Stocker.  (For about the first year, this job was filled by Mike DeRenzis, believe to be now a resident of Easton.)

For many years, also, even before other theatres even gave it a thought, a candy-selling (but not pop-corn) concession was in operating at the Strand.  In charge of most of those years was Ralph’s father-in-law, Harry Linnick, who passed away several months ago after leaving Bangor to live with a son upon the death of his wife, about four years ago.

It was the Strand Theatre (not visa versa) that brought Ralph Sobelson to Bangor in 1920.

Before that he was a resident of Brooklyn, and before that, of New York City, to which he immigrated from Budapest, Hungary, with his parents when he was ten years old.

One of Ralph’s favorite stories concerns the time in 1917 when he was negotiating for the purchase of either one of two theatres in Brooklyn.  One, incidentally, was an outdoor type, with benches (but no drive-in facilities for horses and buggies) and surrounded by a high-board fence.

Came the morning when the purchase negotiations were to be completed at 10:30.  But the morning mail arrived first, and with it the little green card announcing the drafting of Ralph Sobelson for World War I duty.

Back from service in France in 1919, Ralph and one of three brothers who eventually all got into the theatre business, bought up a dilapidated Brooklyn showhouse, fixed it up, and operated for seven or eight months.  Came then Prohibition, and saloon owners, looking for a new source of livelihood, offered fancy prices for moving picture houses.  The Sobelson brothers sold theirs at a profit.

With other theatres at a premium, Ralph Sobelson talked with his field distributor friend, by the name of Sofferman, as to availabilities elsewhere. The friend had a brother, Harry Sofferman, who was superintendent of the Blue Mountain Shirt Company plant up in Bangor, Pa.  And there was a theatre that might be available there.

Built by Henry Weiss, the theatre had been operated by Blum and Siegel, who also had a glove making plant in East Bangor, and later by a fellow by the name of Lemongelli.

A deal was consummated, and Ralph Sobelson, of Brooklyn, took over the business on August 15, 1920.

Not too long afterwards, the epic silent film, “Way Down East” drew a whole week of the biggest crowds in the theater’s history, even to this day, in Ralph Sobelson’s recollection.  (That same year, he recalls, Earl Grubb’s Music Hall was playing “Over The Hill – To The Poorhouse” to equally large audiences.)

Meanwhile, in 1924, Mrs. Sobelson opened a millinery shop in a portion of the Broadway Hotel, right next to the theatre.  The shop’s subsequent locations were in the former Parsons’ Bros. Music Store (now the Army & Navy store), and in the storeroom now occupied by Regal & Blum, before today’s location was established in the Steinmetz (Matt Walsh) building.

Expanded to a dress and apparel shop, it is now owned by Sobelson’s son-in-law, Joseph Rubenstein, husband of Shirley.  They reside at Easton.  Another daughter, Recia, is married to Dr. Frank Wolff, a professor at Fitchburg, Mass., State Teachers College.

Of Rubenstien’s three daughters – Deborah, Erica, and Betsy Anne – it was Deborah who recently gave the Sobelsons their first grandson-in-law, when she married Dr. Emanuel Roman, of Easton.  Although plans aren’t definite, yet, there is a possibility that of all places, Dr. Roman’s practice may be established in Brooklyn, from whence the Sobelsons came here.

Contrary to popular belief, Ralph Sobelson places automobiles (and not because of drive-ins) ahead of TV as the reason for a continuing drop in movie attendance.  TV may keep the older person home, but the easy access to cars for driving hither and yon keeps young people too busy to attend movies, the theatre owner believes.

With the result that someday there may be no small town motion picture houses.  It just won’t pay.



Remember When Column - 2/11/55

First returns in the Fourth War Loan bond selling contest for boys and girls, conducted locally by Ralph Sobelson, manager of the Strand Theater, and the American Legion, showed the following youthful leaders and the amounts they sold:  Frank Falcone, $7,217;  Jimmy Brackbill, $3,450;  Kenneth Strunk, $825;  Phyllis Tucker, $5,612.50;  Norma Sleeman, $5,343.75;  Vivian Cann, $1,575;  Jean Marie LaBar, $1,056.25.


Remember When Column - 3/3/44

The Bangor Branch of Hadassah, meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. Harry Cohen, was informed that Rev. H.C. Wright, pastor of Mackey memorial Baptist Church, would be the guest speaker at a March meeting of the Congregation B’nai Abraham at Easton.  Prizes during the meeting were won by Mrs. Russian Jurwasky, Mrs. George Block, Mrs. George Wolf, Mrs. A.B. Linnick.


Remember When Column - 3/6/24

35 Years Ago

Max Poliner was moving his merchandise from the Kaplan Cohen building on Main St. to the Alice Collier building at First and Market Sts.


80th Birthday Fete For Mrs. Berkowitz At Colonial Hotel

Mrs. Mollie Berkowitz of 32 Broadway, was the guest of honor at a luncheon held at the Colonial Hotel yesterday, the occasion marking her 80th birthday anniversary.  In addition to members of her family, more than a score of friends attended.

A resident of the community for 54 years, Mrs. Berkowitz came here from Philadelphia in 1905 when her husband, Philip Berkowitz, opened a shoe store known as the Philadelphia Sample Shoe Store.

While Mr. Berkowitz died in 1916, operation of the business was continued by his widow until 1929, at which time renovations were made to the building and the first floor was leased to W.T. Grant Company, a nation chain still occupying the premises.

Two of her sons followed the same retail trade, however.  The old, Jack, who resides at home, and the youngest, Bill, living in Easton, currently operate Foot-Aid Shoe Stores in Easton and Bethlehem after starting in business in Easton in 1929.

Another son, Sam, resides in Mt. Vernon, N.Y., while a daughter, Esther, lives in New York City.  All were present for the celebration yesterday, together with the following:

Mrs. Ardys VanHorne, Mrs. Abraham Sandler, Mrs. Dora Parsons, Mrs. Sophia Strunk, Mrs. James Halliday, Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, Mrs. Sidney Spry, Mrs. William Lewis, Miss Olive Blake, Miss Lucy Miller, Mrs. Harry Laveton, Mrs. Charles Sterr, Miss Alice Rutt, Mrs. Benjamin Schor, Mrs. Irving Sheinberg, Mrs. Matthew Walsh, Mrs. Norma Steinmetz, Mrs. Mildred Stoddard, Mrs. Mildred Jago, Mrs. Hilda McFall, Mrs. Katie Campanaro, and Mrs. Alberta Kessler, all of Bangor.


Mrs. Mary Melnick, 72, Dies in N.Y. Hospital; Funeral Services Wed.

Mrs. Mary Melnick, well-known localite who long will be remembered for untiring work in charitable appeals, died yesterday in the Doctor’s Hospital, 88 East River Drive, New York City.  She had been a patient at the hospital for the past two weeks.

Born in Odessa, Russia, Mrs. Melnick migrated to this country at an early age.  Her husband Jacob Melnick, preceded her in death four years ago.  The formerly resided in Blousburg, Pa.

She had been a resident of Bangor since 1927, leaving here soon after the death of her husband to reside in Reading.

Soon after settling in Bangor the Melnicks founded the Golden Crown Shirt Company, giving employment to over 150 people for at least 25 years.

Mrs. Melnick, who with her late husband, was one of the founders of the Bangor Jewish Community Center.  She was active in the Sisterhood of the Congregation;  Children of Abraham;  the Hadassah and the Daughters of Rebakahs.  She died at the age of 72.

Surviving are two sons:  Nathan, Easton;  Everett, Reading;  three daughters:  Mrs. Dorothy Edelson, Reading;  Mrs. Beatrice Sandler, Bangor; and Mrs. Edith Gruber, Easton; also nine grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. from the Katinis Funeral Hoe, 22nd & Northampton Sts., Easton.  Interment will be made in the Children of Abraham Cemetery in Easton.


Remember When Column - 4/24/34

Proprietor and Mrs. Ralph Sobelson of the Strand Theatre returned from the convention of Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America at Hollywood, California.  Enroute, the visited Adolph Berkowitz, son of Mrs. Mollie Berkowitz, at Tucson, Arizona, and Mr. Sobelson’s brother, Henry, at Atlanta, Georgia.


Remember When Column - 5/1/19

Kaplan Cohen, manager for 16 years of the local S. Novick Store, arranged to open a men’s and women’s furnishings store in Slack’s Row on Main St.


Remember When Column - 5/5/44

The Bangor Branch of Hadassah elected Mrs. Harry Laveton as president;  Mrs. Abraham Wolff, vice president;  Mrs. Abraham Sandler and Mrs. S. Levitt, secretaries;  Mrs. S. Ravitz, of Pen Argyl, treasurer.


Remember When Column - 5/12/19

40 Years Ago

The Max Winkler family moved from the Bowers Building to the house on Northampton St. recently purchased from Henry Leverenz.


Remember When Column - 6/18/34

Mr. and Mrs. J. Melnick, of So. 1st St., announced the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy, to Irving Edelson, of Mt. Carmel, Pa.


Mrs. Mollie Berkowitz, 80, Bangor Resident, Dies Early this Morning

Mrs. Mollie Berkowitz, 80, a resident of 32 Broadway, Bangor, died at 4 a.m. this morning in the St. Luke’s Hospital, Bethlehem, where she was admitted on Friday, June 26.

Mrs. Berkowitz was born in Hungary and was a resident of Bangor for 50 years.  She operated the Philadelphia Sample Shoe Store here for a number of years.  Her husband, Philip, died in 1916.

Surviving are four children, Jack Berkowitz, Bangor;  William Berkowitz, Easton;  Samuel Berkowitz, of Mount Vernon, N.Y. and Miss Esther Berkowitz, New York City;  one brother, Samuel Weinman, Chicago, and three grandchildren.

Services will be held on Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. at the Montefiore Cemetery Chapel, Fox Chase, Pa.


Remember When Column - 7/16/44        

Cpl. Walter Blau, on furlough from an Army camp in Florida, received treatment at Easton Hospital after an attack of illness.


Remember When Column - 7/21/44        

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, returning from a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rubenstein, of East Orange, N.J., was accompanied by her granddaughter, Deborah Rubenstein, for a visit here.


Remember When Column - 7/24/44        

Joining in the celebration of the fifth wedding anniversary of Cpl. And Mrs. Walter Blau, at a spaghetti supper in Roseto, were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laveton, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Wolff and son Lawrence, the latter station with the U.S. Army in Nebraska.


Remember When Column - 8/6/44        

15 Years Ago

Aid to any servicemen at all in helping him in some small way to bear the brunt of battlefield strain led to Jacob Melnick, owner of the Golden Crown Shirt Co., to recently institute a plan of sending cigarettes at intervals to servicemen overseas.  A letter from an unknown GI, serving in Italy where some of the Golden Crown cigarettes were distributed, attested to the plan’s success.  It read:  “Thanks for the cigarettes you send over to the boys.  They always come in handy.  Those few who don’t smoke swap them for fresh eggs and laundry service.  I hope I am in one of your civilian shirts soon.”  It was signed: Cpl Rader W. Golay Jr.


Remember When Column - 10/9/34

25 Years Ago

Dorothy Melnick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Melnick, 33 So. 1st St, and Irving Edleson, of Mt. Carmel, Pa., were wed (Oct. 7) by Rabbi Lewittes at the Church of the Congregation Children of Abraham, in Easton.


Bar Mitzvah Rites Set for David Blau        

David Blau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blau, of 235 Market St., will be Bar Mitzvah at services at Temple Covenant of Peace, 38 S. 6th St., Easton, Saturday at 11 a.m.  He will read from the Torah and the Prophets and speak to the congregation.

Rabbi Alexander Feinsilver will conduct the service and deliver the charge.  William Robin will present the celebrant with a Kiddush cup on behalf of the congregation and Mrs. Kurt Menkel, president of the Sisterhood, will give him a prayer book.

A lunch at the Hotel Easton with Mr. and Mrs. Blau entertaining will follow the service.  Fifty will attend.


Remember When Column - 11/19/34

Three young lads, Tony and Victor Emmanuel, and Edward Shoup, were released by Chief Burgess Arthur Stoddard with a reprimand when Jacob Melnick, proprietor of the Golden Crown Shirt Co. factory on No. 7th St. refused to press charge against the trio who were accused of breaking a number of windows at the plant.


Remember When Column - 12/14/44

Attending a children’s Hanukah party at the home of Mrs. Murray Burlin at Pen Argyl were Lewis Sobelman, Vilma Sobelman, Lois Scheinberg, of town;  Ann Joan Berlin, Robert Hertz, Arthur Roberts of Pen Argyl.  Mrs. Harry Cohen sent a surprise gift for each child.


Remember When Column - 12/21/44        

As his contribution to the Sixth War Loan, Ralph Sobelson, proprietor of the Strand and Music Hall theatres held a premiere showing of “Stage Door Canteen” at the Music Hall, with the 437 viewers being those to whom the Strand and a group of Bangor High students had sold war bonds to the amount of $153,650.  During the show, prizes were awarded the participating students, including James Brackbill, who won a 60-day pass to Strand movies;  William Eisenberg and Carolyn Eisenhart, each a 30-day pass;  John Oxford and Kathryn Keat, 15-day passes.  Other winning salesmen receiving 7-day passes were William and Von Finkbeiner, Leo Young, Raymond Kressler, George Ott, Thomas Comunale, Anthony Albanese, Lee Bisher, Barry Becker, Nona Ann Stoddard, Joyce Heard, Eleanor Roberts, Carolyn Rowden, Grace Reimer, Phyllis Capone, Doris Brodt, Yvonne Lambert, Marcia DeVita, Rose Bozelli, Kathryn Dietz.


Remember When Column - 12/28/44        

Mortimer Hertz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hertz, of 201 West Penna. Ave., Pen Argyl, who formerly resided here, received his silver bombadier wings at Demer Air Field.


Remember When Column from Jan. 29, 1924        

35 Years Ago

Max Poliner renter the storeroom of Mrs. Alice Collier at the corner of 1st and Market Sts. And prepared to move his stock from the Kaplan Cohen Building on Main St.


Remember When Column from Feb. 9, 1944        

Ralph Sobelson reported the Strand Theater had sold 364 War Bonds, worth $52,447.50, as admission to a Fourth War Loan premier showing of the motion picture, “As Thousands Cheer”, starring Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, Kathryn Grayson, Gene Kelly, Mary Astor, Red Skelton, John Boles.


Remember When Column from Feb. 12, 1919        

Max Effross, of Portland, purchased the C.N. Roberts & Co. store fixtures.


Remember When Column from Feb. 16, 1944        

The third annual dinner dance of employees of Weil Made Novelty Co., members of Local No. 234, Amalgamated Garment Workers Union, at Ye Saylor’s Inn, featured remarks by Miss Grace Sardenga, district manager of the union;  Corporal Nathan Melnick, U.S. Army, the mill’s owner, and its operators, Irving Edelson and Abe Sandler.  War Bonds offered as prizes by the firm were won by Mrs. Mary Payne, Mrs. Mae Snooyer and Mrs. Anthony Luchetti.


Remember When Column - 9/6/1930        

30 Years Ago

After two weeks of installation work by Buzzard Electric Co., under the supervision of Western Electric engineers, a new $10,000 sound system was ready to offer us a first talking picture performance at the Strand Theatre.  Manager Ralph Sobelson’s initial offering was “Safety In Numbers” starring Buddy Rodgers, to be followed by “New Movie Follies of 1930” featuring El Brendo, Marjorie White and Frank Richardson.


Henry Weissman, Noted Local Manufacturer, Dies New Year's Day in N.Y.        

Henry Weissman, Columbia, N.J., prominent Bangor businessman and one of the leading supporters of Jewish appeals in the Northampton County area died of a heart attack New Year’s Day in New York City.  He was 68.

He owned the J. Rogat Shirt Co. and Welsrog Manufacturing Co. both in Bangor, and several years ago acquired the ______ Blouse Co., Stroudsburg.

Mr. Weissman came to Bangor more than 30 years ago _________ with Joel Rogat of a manufacturing plant.  Mr. Rogat died ___ years ago.

His first mill was located at Pennsylvania Ave. and Division St., and later was transferred to the Kor Bros. Building on Pennsylvania Ave. near 1st St., Bangor.  For the past 15 years the J. Rogat Shirt Co. has been in operation at 1st and Broadway.  Welsrog Manufacturing Co. is located at 31 N. 1st St., Bangor.

Mr. Weissman suffered a heart attack a year ago and since then had been serving only in a supervisory capacity at the three plants.  His son, Jerry, Easton, has been general manager of both plants in Bangor.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Stella Weissman, three sons, Hyman, of Brooklyn, N.J.;  Jerry, of Easton, and Sidney, of Bangor.

The funeral was held at 11 a.m. yesterday at Westminster Chapel, Brooklyn, N.J.  Burial was in Montifore Cemetery at Pine Lawn, _______ Long Island, N.Y.  Viewing was held in the chapel Saturday night.

A three-day mourning period will be held at the home of his son, Jerry Weissman, 312 Old Orchard Rd., Easton where friends may pay their respects.  In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be given to the local Cancer Society, or Heart Fund, or made in Mr. Weissman’s memory to the family.


Harry Laveton, Merchant, Civic Leader, Dies at 56; Rites in Easton Tomorrow        

Harry Laveton, 56, businessman, civic leader and Jewish Charity Appeals worker died suddenly this morning at 6 o’clock at his residence, 118 South Third Street, Bangor.

Owner and operator of Murry’s Cut Rate Store, Laveton came to Bangor 31 years ago.  An energetic worker with good business aptitude, he once owned and controlled a chain of 14 stores throughout this part of the state.  He has since either sold or liquidated his assets in 13 of them and was currently operating the Bangor store only.

Born in Philadelphia in 1903, he was a son of the late Samuel and Minnie Share Laveton.  He was the husband of Polly Cohen Laveton.

He was a member and immediate past president of the Bangor Kiwanis Club.  He was one of the charter members of the Bangor Jewish Community Center.  He also held membership in the Easton Jewish Community Center.  He was a 32nd degree Mason and member of the Bangor Elks Lodge, No. 1106.  The Congregation B’Nai Abraham, Easton; and the Bangor Chamber of Commerce.

Surviving in addition to his wife are three brothers and one half-brother:  Morris Laveton, Stroudsburg, Max Laveton, Patterson; Irving Laveton, Philadelphia; and Ruben Oren, Philadelphia.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Katinis Funeral Chapel, 2102 Northampton St., in Easton.  Relatives and friends may pay their respects at the funeral chapel from 11 a.m. tomorrow until the time of the funeral at 1 p.m.


Leave for South        

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sobelson left today for Miami, Fla., where they will vacation for several weeks.  En route they will visit Mr. Sobelson’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, in Atlanta, Ga.  The latter couple will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.  The Sobelson’s plan to join in the observance.


Remember When Column - 1-26-45        

Three Bangor residents upon whom were bestowed the privilege of American citizenship were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tauber, 95 ½ No. Main St.;  Mrs. Walter Blau, 235 Market St.


Remember When Column - 5/4/45

The Bangor group of Hadassah elected Mrs. M. Berlin of Pen Argyl, as president, also named to office Mrs. M. Schnitzer, of East Bangor; Mrs. A. Sandler, Mrs. A. Leopold, Mrs. Ben Schor and Mrs. S. Leavitt, of town.


Remember When Column - 5/9/40

Mrs. Mollie Berkowitz, who conomore at East Stroudsburg State Teachers College, was elected to the school’s Women’s Executive Council.


Remember When Column - 6/13/40

Edythe E. Winkler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Winkler, 633 Northampton St., was graduated (June 10) from Bucknell University, receiving a BS degree in Commerce and Finance.


Remember When Column - 7/5/45

15 Years Ago

Mr. and Mrs. Max Winkler, of R.D. 3 announced the marriage in France on June 23 of their daughter, Cpl. Teresa Winkler, of the WAC, to Pvt. William Baldwin, Jr., Lebanon, Pa.  Both were stationed in France, although Pvt. Baldwin had received orders of a transfer to the Pacific Theater of War.


Remember When Column - 7/7/40

William Berkowitz, son of Mrs. Mollie Berkowitz, of 32 Broadway and Pearl Goldman, of Easton, were wed by Rabbi Louis Wein, of Congregation B’nai Abraham, Easton, at the home of the bride’s parents.


Remember When Column - 12/21/45        

The J. Rogat Shirt Mfg. Co., Joel Rogat and Henry Weissman, proprietors, held open house to mark completion of extensive renovations to the third floor of its plant in the four-story building at the corner of First St. and Broadway.  The firm, established n 1902, and located in Bangor since 1929, had recently purchased the building.  Management personnel included Irving Sheinberg, general manager;  Antoinette Sabatino and Blanche Pinto, chief clerks;  Nicholas LaPenna, Thomas Verona, Pasquale Damico, foremen, Joseph Ruggiero, machinist-manager;  Jerry Weissman, recently honorably discharged from service, new staff member.


Remember When Column - 6/2/1936

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen, of So. 1st St., spent the weekend with Mrs. Cohen’s family at Port Chester, N.Y.


Remember When Column - 7/3/1936        

25 Years Ago

Grand re-opening of the newly-renovated Strand Theatre, with its new marquee and neon sign plus interior redecorating and new projecting machines with less “flicker”, was set for July 6 with the film, “Fury”, starring Spencer Tracy and Sylvia Sidney as the feature attraction.


Remember When Column - 7/17/1946        

Attending a birthday party for Richard and Allen Schnitzer, twins, at the East Bangor home of their grandfather, Edward Rosenberg, were Carolyn and Joanne Wilson, Corwin Parsons, Jane Parsons, Billy Stine, Barry Moore, Crissy McFall, George and Lee Davis, David and Jeffery Parsons, Wayne Oyer, Larry Parsons, Billy Bray, Mrs. Moses Bray, Mrs. Leroy Parsons, Mrs. Benjamin Davis.


 Remember When Column - 12/4/1926        

Mrs. Mollie Burkowitz and Mrs. Charles Toll returned from New York City where they spent several days.


Remember When Column - 12/5/46

The Festival of Hanukah was celebrated and the birthday anniversary of Henrietta Szold, founder of Hadassah, was observed when the Bangor Chapter of Hadassah met at the local Jewish Community Center.  Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, president was in charge of the business meeting and Mrs. Harry Laveton directed the program.


Remember When Column - 12/13/46

The meeting of the Sisterhood of the Jewish Community Center was held at the center last evening.  The officers elected were:  Mrs. J. Rogat, president;  Mrs. H. Linnick, vice president;  Mrs. A. Wolff, secretary, and Mrs. H. Laveton, treasurer.  After the business meeting a social hour was staged.  Refreshments were served by Mrs. J. Melnick and Mrs. Rogat who acted as hostesses.


David Blau Omitted from Honor Roll

David Blau was unintentionally omitted from the first honor roll list in the 10th grade.  We are sorry.


Remember When Column - 2/10/46

Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, of So. 2nd St., visited her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Rubenstein, at East Orange, N.J.  The latter was awaiting the imminent return of her husband from overseas duty with the U.S. Army.


Remember When Column - 2/20/46        

It was disclosed that William Winkler, son of the owner of the Blue Ridge Textile Co., was instrumental in bringing to machine production in this country many rare fabrics previously loomed only by hand in Germany.  Winkler designed many of the weaves to suit particular needs of top fashion designers.


We're Not Moving

Well Made Novelty Company is not moving out of Bangor, it was announced today by Nathan Melnick owner of the plant.  Contrary to rumors in circulation we have no plans nor intention of leaving our present location on Murray Street.

As pioneers in textile manufacturing in Bangor, we are proud and happy to consider this community our home.


Mr. And Mrs. R. Sobelson To Leave May 1st for a Tour Through Europe        

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, owners and operators of the Strand Theatre and the Strand Shop respectively, will leave May 1 for a European tour.

They will depart from the New York Harbor aboard the USS Independence.  They will first visit Italy and then make a tour of Switzerland, France and the Netherlands.

The Sobelsons will return state-side on June 15 aboard the Staatendam.


Remember When Column

Max Cohen, of Easton, rented the storeroom formerly occupied by the Weiner Lunch on Broadway from Mrs. Mollie Berkowitz and planned to open a jewelry store.


Remember When Column - 1/15/1947        

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sobelson of 138 South Second Street have announced the betrothal of their daughter Miss Recia Sobelson to Frank Wolff son of Mrs. Helen Wolff of New York City.


Remember When Column - 2/1/1947

Ralph Sobelson, manager and owner of local theatres last evening reported that he had received $351.61 in collections for this year’s drive for the March of Dimes to aid polio victims.  This exceeds the collections of last year when he reported collections of $226.  Mr. Sobelson reported that the amount received this year was the largest ever received through his theater collection program.



Remember When Column - 2/28/1947

William Winkler, Blue Ridge Textile Company executive has received recognition in the current issue of “Life” an article on Pages 70 and 72 relative to Burning Dresses picturing a fire restraint dress fashioned from nylon tulle and crediting the fabric creation to Mr. Winkler.        


Remember When Column - 10/8/1947        

Ralph Sobelson, local theatre owner, was named and installed as president of the local Jewish Community Center at the annual election and installation held last evening in the Center’s social rooms.  Others taking office were Edward Rosenberg, reelected as vice president;  Abe Sandler, secretary, and Everett Melnick, treasurer.  The board of directors is composed of Jacob Melnick, Harry Laveton, Samuel Ravitz, Samuel Kern and Joel Rogat.  The sisterhood directors include:  Mrs. Joel Rogat and Mrs. Ruth Savitz.  Following the installation the regular routine of business was held. It was reported that the altar, pulpit and pews will be installed in the worship area within the next six to eight weeks.  At that time the Center will also operate as a Synagogue.  A social hour of refreshments closed the meeting.


Remember When Column - 10/17/1942

Miss Recia Sobelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sobelson of South Second Street has become a member of the Phi Kappa Epsilon sorority at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York.


Remember When Column - 10/25/1952

Memorial services for Mrs. Nettie Linnick were held Tuesday evening during a the meeting of the local chapter of Hadassah at the home of Mrs. Harry Laveton on South Third Street.  Mrs. I. Sheckman of Scranton, the regional representative of Hadassah was an observer at the meeting.  The meeting was in charge of Miss Fannie Leavitt, president.  The secretary’s report was made by Mrs. Harry Cohen and Mrs. J. Frankel offered the report of the treasurer.  Other reports were made by Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, Mrs. Lawrence Wolff and Mrs. Abraham Sandler.  Following the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed with refreshments being served by the following:  Mrs. Laveton, Mrs. Allan Leopold, and Mrs. Walter Blau.


Remember When Column - 10/30/1942

One scrap matinee a month will be featured at the Strand Theatre to aid the drive for scrap to help win the war, Ralph Sobelson, manager and owner announced today.  The Strand Theatre drew over one and one half tons of scrap during the newspaper scrap drive recently.  Children under 12 years of age are admitted fee if they come with five pounds of scrap.


Remember When Column - 12/18/1947

Joel Rogat, prominent local shirt and blouse manufacturer was tendered a surprise party at the Jewish Community Centre, the occasion marking his birthday anniversary.  The party was given by his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Shemberg of 508 Market Street, Bangor.

A large birthday cake from with the inscription, “to dad” from “Miriam, Irving, and Lois” formed the table’s centerpiece decoration.  During the course of the party the celebrant was present with a beautiful robe and other gifts.

Luncheon was served and refreshments were enjoyed.  Entertainment was provided by Mrs. Leopold and Mrs. Laveton who presented a sketch entitled “The Feast of the Lights.”

Among those attending were Edward Rosenbert, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shor, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Melnick, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hartd, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laveton, Mr. and Mrs. Al Share, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schecter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rubenstein, Mrs. R. Wolffe and Larry Wolffe, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sandler, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ravitz, Mr. and Mrs. Leopold, Irving Edelson, Henry and Jerry Weissman, the celebrant, Joel Rogat and Mrs. Rogat, and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sheimber and daughter Lois.


Remember When Column - 12/19/1947

The regular business meeting of the Bangor Chamber of Commerce at large was held last evening in the Bangor Jewish Community Center with George Remagen, vice president in charge of the session.  Officers for the coming year were nominated for office as a main order of business.  Those named to stand for election were:  Robert A. Smith, president;  George B. Plush, Jr., first vice president;  the Rev. Seba H. Hamm, second vice president;  Harry Deshler, treasurer.  The following men were nominated to run for the board of directors:  Harry Laveton, Ralph ________, Kenneth Ace, and Kenneth Masters.  It was announced that the annual dinner meeting and the election of officers will be held at the Colonial Hotel on Jan. 8.


Remember When Column - 1/9/1947

The January meeting of the local Hadassah was held at the home of Mrs. Ben Schor last evening with Mrs. Ralph Sobelson, president in charge.  A fund raising project was planned with tickets being offered for sale through the Strand Shop on Broadway.


Remember When Column - 1/17/1914

48 Years Ago

Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan Cohen last evening entertained a number of friends at a banquet at their home on Market Street on the occasion of their second wedding anniversary.  The guests were Jacob Shane, Mr. and Mrs. I. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Pearlman, Max Pearlman, Max Poliner, Mr. and Mrs. S.D. Shane of Bangor;  Harry Cohen, Nathan Cohen and W.R. Bricker of Easton;  Miss Pansy Freeman of Bath Beach and Harry Schwartz of Philadelphia.


Remember When Column - 1/17/1947

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Edelson are parents of a baby girl, Maxine Ann, born Sat. Jan. 11 at the Easton Hospital.  Mrs. Edelson is the former Miss Dorothy Melnick.  On Monday, Jan. 13, a daughter Ellen Diane, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Melnick at the Easton Hospital.  Both infant girls are the grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Melnick, local industrialists.


Remember When Column - 1/31/1947

15 Years Ago

A dual celebration was held last evening at the Jewish Community Center in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Melnick, well known Bangor shirt manufacturers and Edward Rosenberg, local clothing manufacturer who recently announced his retirement from business after running two plants successfully for the past 18 years.  The celebration was sponsored by the Jewish Community Center of which Samuel Korn is the president.  The master of ceremonies was Mayer Feinberg of Easton.



Remember When Column - 1/31/1947

Miss Recia Sobelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sobelson of town and Frank E. Wolff, son of Mrs. Helen Wolff of New York City were married recently in New York City.        


Officers Re-Elected by Hadassah Chapter as Seasons Commences

Re-election of all officers occurred during the season's first meeting of the local Hadassah Chapter at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sobelson this week. Miss Fannie Levitt, who presided, was named president; Mrs. Harry Cohen, secretary; and Mrs. Harry Laveton, treasurer.

Current events of Israel and the United States were read by Mrs. Abraham Sandler. The report noted the opening of a 5-story Hadassah Building at 65 E. 52nd St., New York City. Presentation of a million-dollar check to Mrs. Alba Eban, wife of Israel's ambassador to the U. S., highlighted the occasion.

Mrs. Rebecca Shulman, president of Hadassah in New York City, said half of this money would be used for the construction of a mother and child pavilion in the new Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem. The balance will be applied to the resucue and care of Jewish children in Morocco.

Mayor Wagner, of New York City, paid tribute to the Hadassah network of medical and social service in Israel and designated Oct. 10-17 as Hadassah Week. During this week a drive will be launched to enroll 100,000 new members before the end of the year. Present enrollment is 300,000.

A social hour followed the business session with Mrs. Sobelson as hostess. The next meeting will be at the residence of Mrs. Irving Sheinberg.


Miss Fannie Levitt Returns Home From Hadassah Society Parley

Miss Fannie Levitt of 205 Market St. has returned from a Regional conference of Hadassah which was held in Atlantic City.

The principal speaker was Zena Harman, advisor on Social Affairs in Israel's Delegation to the United Nations. Mrs. Harman was a member of the Isreli Delegation to the UN at the 6th General Assembly in Paris in 1951, and at the Seventh and Eighth Sessions in New York in 1952 and 1953. She is also Israel's representative on the executive board and Programme Committee of UNICEF.

She is the wife of Avraham Harman, Counsel General of Israel in New York.

Miss Levitt, local president, returned with great enthusiasm and many plans for the ensuing year.


Local Industrialist Bequeaths $2500 To Four Jewish Charities

Jacob Melnick, retired Bangor industrialist, who died last Wednesday, made bequests totaling $2500 to four Jewish charities and to Easton Hospital, according to his will, which has been admitted to probate by Register of Wills R. R. Raidline. The value of the estate was unestimated.

He leaves $500 each to the Congregation Anshei Nemeroyer, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Congregation B'Nai Abraham, Easton; Jewish Community Center, Bangor; Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, New York City; and Easton Hospital.

Melnick, who was 71, was one of the founders of the Jewish Community Center at Bangor and was formerly its treasurer and a member of the board of directors.

Other individual bequests were $10,000 each to his daughters, Beatrice Sandler, of 122 S. 3rd St., Bangor and Edith Gruber, of 715 Brodhead St., Easton.

He leaves the rest of his estate and all his stock in the Golden Crown Shirt Co. which he founded at Bangor in 1930, to his widow, Mary Melnick, of 324 Broadway, Bangor.

Melnick was a leader in the shirt business in Bangor for many years before he established the Crown Company. He retired seven years ago as president of the company.

Executors of his estate are his sons, Nathan Melnick, of 2701 Liberty St., Palmer Township and Everett Melnick, of Reading.


Mrs. Isidore Schactman is Guest Speaker at Local Hadassah Meet

Mrs. Isidore Schactman was the guest speaker at the meeting of the local Hadassah Society last evening at the home of Mrs. Benjamin Shor.

The speaker who is an ardent worker in Hadassah activities spoke on the present Arab situation in Israel and told of the great progress being made in the promoting of the new medical center in that country.

Reports were received from Mrs. Harry Cohen, secretary and Mrs. Harry Laveton, treasurer. During the business session in charge of Miss Fannie Leavitt, president, brief memorial services were held for the late Jacob Melnick.

Mrs. Allen Leopold was named in charge of the committee to plan for the Donor dinner which is to be held in the near future. Following the meeting's adjournment a delicious repast was served to those in attendance by the hostess, Mrs. Shor.


Passover Production on Television Sunday

A special Passover production under the auspices of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, will be televised over the National Broadcasting Company television network, Sunday, April 3, from 1 to 1:30 p.m. (New York Time).

The program, entitled “Home for Passover” was written by James Yaffe and is based on Sholom Aleichem's story of the same name. It concerns the earnest efforts of a poor teacher to reach his home some distance away from this school in time for the Passover seder. This delightful story, containing elements of both pathos and suspense is another outstanding event in the television experience of the  Jewish Theological Seminary.


Mrs. Sobelson Outlines Convention Activities to be Held May 15-17

A report on the Hadassah Convention to be held in Atlantic City, N. J. on May 15-17 was made by Mrs. Ralph Sobleson during a recent meeting of the local Hadassah at the home of Mrs. Irving Sheinberg of Market St.

The meeting was in charge of Miss Fannie Levitt, president. A reading in regards to the April 27th celebration of the Seventh Anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel was given by Mrs. Harry Cohen.

A trip to Israel by Henrietta Zold was responsible for the eventual founding of the Hadassah Society. After returning to the Us. S. Miss Zold sent four nurses to Israel to aid in healing the blind there of Trachoma.

When Miss Zold, who is now deceased, founded the Hadassah organization 43 years ago, it was composed of only 12 members. The Society has grown until today 300,000 members are enrolled.

A social hour followed the meeting with Mrs. Sheinberg serving as hostess.